Chapter 21 Birthday Celebration Part 2

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I was honestly moved by the surprise this day. I asked myself how could I even forgot my own birthday? But then it's a good thing some people do remember and I'm very touched they even made an effort to make this day special.

Even Jisoo unnie's appearance is a great surprise but I wasn't complaining. In fact, I am happy that Chaeyoung unnie could spend time with her for a while. It may help her in a way, who knows?

Our leader's present is the biggest surprise for me. I never expected to receive gifts as precious as that guitar, and more, I love everything about it, the color, the delicate designs, and the overall appearance. I cried in joy for the second time. She won't understand how grateful I am for her gift, as one of her fan girls. I just briefly wondered over the price. Receiving a gift worth $3,000 is new to me and a I'm little intimidated.

I scolded myself for being very sensitive and easily crying after their first performance. But hearing her words after made me cry harder because my heart felt very full. I feel loved and treasured.

The day is turning out to be one of my best days in this foreign country. I internally laughed when Chaeyoung poured herself some champagne. I'd also like some wine but since it is still early, I decided to play low.

Movie time was silent but I am happy. Happy that the movie was still as beautiful. Happy that everyone loved it as well and took time sharing their ideas about it. And happy to see Chaeyoung relaxed and care free with Jisoo unnie.

It's 3pm when the movie and reactions we're done and the younger girls brought back the bucket of drinks, with drinking snacks.

I filled my glass with red wine this time and saw Chaeyoung gasped. Apparently she was surprised.

"I was right, you aren't as innocent, girl" she grinned.

"She ain't? Yeah she ain't. She is a matured woman" Jisoo unnie chimed in and I laughed. If I am right, Jisoo has stated a sentence with a double meaning.

"So, shall we play I Have Never?" Jeed suggested and my eyes widened.

"No!" I blurted out and they all look at me questioningly.

"Let us play but not that game" I continued but their stares didn't falter, and then Chaeyoung unnie started laughing followed by Jisoo unnie. The sound of their laughs are soothing.

"Genie, tell me that you don't like to play it because you're afraid we'd incorporate some 'mature' phrases" Jisoo is laughing hard and I blushed because that's exactly my reason. I've read enough where such game is really intended for that.

"Look, she's blushing, and you're telling me she is matured huh?" Chaeyoung addressed Jisoo also laughing but that sentence didn't suit me well. Nevertheless, I ignored it and looked at the younger girls who are the real innocent in the room.

"Okay sure, let's play that on condition that all should be drinking wine and not soda" I challenged and Jisoo stopped laughing.

"Nah, let's play another game" she declined the challenge and I grinned.

"Come on unnie, help me regain my status of being a matured one" I whined and saw Chaeyoung sit up. When I replayed my words in my head, I internally face palmed myself. I told myself to let it go but here I am laying the card open.

"Genie, I didn't mean that" Chaeyoung immediately apologized.

"Huh? What are you talking about unnie? Everything's okay isn't it?" I played the innocent and smiled at her signalling her that I am really okay.

"No no, let's just play truth or dare" Jisoo unnie suggested and it's my turn to laugh.

"Sure, form a circle girls, I'm going to get a bottle" I went to the kitchen and came back with a small bottle, an evil grin plastered in my face.

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