Chapter 36 Like a Real Family Member

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After we had lunch, we are left on our own to do anything. The elder Parks informed us that they are going somewhere and will be home in time to prepare dinner. Alice unnie also said she is going to meet up with a friend. I turned to Chae-unnie.

"How about you unnie? Don't you have any appointments?" I asked.

"We're on a holiday vacation Genie" she replied smiling.

"You know what I mean unnie. You won't meet up with your friends for tea or whatever?" I asked.

"They are all occupied with their own family. We usually meet up after the holidays. If you're not here, I'd actually be left alone without anything to do" she explained.

"Oh, then what are you gonna do for the rest of the afternoon?" I asked.

"No idea, sleep maybe?" she replied and I laughed.

"Yeah why not, let us store enough energy by sleeping a lot for our comeback" I nodded.

After the others left, we went to our own rooms. I thought she was just joking with sleeping through out the afternoon but there she goes.

I laid on my bed as well but I can't sleep. I rummaged my bag and found the papers I've been working on at the dorm. I should continue working on it instead. Silently, I left the guest room and went to the music room. I stopped for a while though. I didn't ask if I could use it. Well, it is obviously her second room already and she allows me to wander in her rooms, maybe she won't be mad if I tresspass here.

For the next two hours, I focused on the song. I borrowed one of her guitars as well and sat on a couch, my back on the door. After thirty more minutes, I grinned when I'm finally done. I decided to play the whole song now, I'm very happy I'm done.


I'm not actually planning to sleep but when Genie agreed, I thought she will really do sleep so I let her. Surprisingly, I did feel asleep once I'm lying in my bed. Maybe that grocery shopping exhausted me more than I can feel.

Two hours later, I was awoken and I suddenly felt hungry. I made my way downstairs and washed up before heading to the kitchen to look for food. This is what I love at home. A snack is always available for me.

I plated enough cookies for two, filled up two glasses with fresh juice, and placed it in a tray. I'll bring Genie a snack as well. Hope she's awake now.

I put down the tray in a table at the hallway first as I went to open the guest room but I was surprised to see no one inside. The bed doesn't even look as if it was recently used. She didn't sleep then? So where was she?

I thought of calling her but her phone is lying on the bed. Did she went out? Or is she at the garden? I left the room and my eyes darted to the music room door. Oh, she might be there, I thought.

I made my way in front of the room and slowly opened the door. Soon, my ears was blessed with excellent music. She is here alright. I peeped and saw her back towards me. She is playing an intro to a song and a piece of paper is in the music stand in front of her.

It would be rude to interrupt her since she looks so into her activity so I was nailed in my spot. I actually let myself in and leaned on the door frame, watching and listening to her. Soon her voice filled the room.

(***A/N: This is an original composition so please don't copy, 😌)

Many people scoffs at the word love
Said it is just a fantasy, never a reality
While some people actually believe
An ingredient for happiness they say

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