Chapter 20 Birthday Celebration Part 1

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I did as Blythe suggested, washing up, and then ate my dinner. When I got back to my room, I saw unnie's coat. I noticed she has become silent once we arrived at the dorm, she didn't even bade us good night with a kiss as she usually do last week. Is something wrong? Or did I say something at the park?

I stood up from my bed, grabbed her coat and decided to see her. I knocked on her door before pushing it slightly open. I peeked inside and saw her leaning on her headboard with her headphone plugged in. What's unusual is she is staring at nothing with a serious face. I slowly stepped in and closed the door before approaching her.

"Unnie?" I waved my hand in front of her and she seemed startled. She removed her head phone and showed a forced smile. I don't know how I recognized it to be forced. I just know.

"Genie, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Ow, I just came to return your coat" I said and gestured to her coat in my left arm.

"Ah, just drape it over the chair" she instructed and I did before turning around to look at her again.

"Is something wrong unnie? You looked... bothered?" I asked and sat at her bed.

"No, nothing, I'm just thinking" she replied immediately.

"About what?" I asked.

"Uh, about our schedules, it was very tight, I hope you guys can cope with it" she replied.

"I see, I think we can, that is, with your help. We have confidence in our leader so we shouldn't worry" I replied genuinely but she frowned.

"You actually don't need a leader. I'm with you guys as simply your member" she replied but I shook my head.

"I won't disturb you long unnie, I also came to say goodnight" I dismissed the topic as I stood up and kissed her in the head.

"Good night unnie, stop worrying about us, we will manage everything as a group" I smiled and turned to leave.

"Good night Genie, thank you" she replied. Although I don't know what she is thanking me for, I just nodded and left.

After two weeks however, I think unnie has her reason to worry about us, that is if it is really her reason for looking bothered. Who would expect that we will spend a whole week learning the dance steps, memorizing the whole choreography and then rehearsing it continuously until we shoot a Dance Practice Video at the end of the week?

I am very glad of the two days off which was spent following our weekend culture, only to be drained again after this week. It was scheduled for our MV Shooting. I think I almost got deaf hearing the same words over and over again 'Do this, move there, emphasize this, one more shot, as you were, next set, next attire, look at the camera, be serious, focus' I may have heard one word more than the others but I felt sick after everything is finally done.

But what made it worse is that I noticed something and I know I have to take action quickly to mend it. But how? I obviously need help now, and I know who to seek help from.

The weekend was spent as usual, but I had an extra activity that the girls didn't know and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon anyway. That was on Sunday evening and when I got back to our dorm, I only found the two girls watching at the sala.

"Where's unnie?" I asked.

"Already asleep I think" Blythe replied. Asleep? At 8pm? As far as I know, she isn't the person who sleeps early, unless she is very exhausted and today, we barely exert effort and energy instead refilled our tanks.

"Did you not notice anything unusual with her?" I asked the girls and Jeed suddenly tensed up. What's wrong?

"Umm, nothing, she is acting her self as usual, why unnie?" Blythe replied as I eyed Jeed. I also noticed she has been acting weird the past two weeks, as if afraid of something.

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