Chapter 22 Repercussions

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When I heard Chaeyoung cannot remember what happened last night, I felt relieved but when Jisoo questioned how she ended up in her room, I wonder as well. She's drunk and so she wouldn't know how she delivered us to our rooms, unless she's just pretending to forgot? How did I manage to get in my room last night? Because I know for myself, a drunk Genie would do remember things while she's drunk but once passed out, I'm literally a black slate and can't even manage to move, how much more to walk to my room. When I wake up, I'm in a neat condition and when I went to the bathroom, my face was evidently cleaned as well. Then I think she is just pretending and might be lying to save me from embarrassment. I internally sighed. I will let it be. Afterall, I embarrassed myself thoroughly.

The next week is scheduled for the MV Shooting of our second song, however it is a little different today. Half of the time, we won't be shooting as a group, rather we have individual sets and schedules. Monday Wednesday and Friday, we will shoot together, but on Tuesday, Chaeyoung and Jeed are the only ones who have schedules, while Blythe and I is for Thursday.

During dinner on Monday, our leader informed us that we can skip our daily workout the next day so that the two of us can rest. We just nodded, partly glad to have a rest day. While lying on my bed to rest though, I remembered something and barged excitedly into Chaeyoung's room. Ain't I a hypocrite? I hate people tresspassing in my room but I tresspass almost everyday to their rooms.

"Unnie, since we have nothing scheduled tomorrow, we are allowed to watch you shoot right?" I asked excited and joined her in her bed.

"Emmm yeah" she replied and smiled. She zoned out for a moment and I think she remembered her doing it for Lisa. I smiled as well.

"So you wouldn't mind if I come and watch you?" I asked but her expression suddenly changed.

"Well, Jeed is also shooting tomorrow so I think you better watch her instead of me" she declined. Here we go again. I'm not dumb not to notice that she is always trying to have me prioritize the younger girls over her. She has been doing it for two weeks now that it frustrates me.

"But I want to watch you, Blythe will go and watch her bestfriend" I explained but she shook her head

"Jeed would be happier to see you two supporting her. Don't mind me. I'm not new to shooting alone and I wouldn't be mad if you won't watch me. Believe me, Jeed needs you more" she replied, with sad eyes? I sighed.

"What if I insist?" I asked.

"Then I'd be mad at you for ignoring your friend's need" she replied seriously and I was literally shocked. I am ignoring their need? I don't understand because for me, I am giving all my friends equal attention, well, except for her though because I am aware I'm giving her more attention than the others.

"You'll be mad at me?" I repeated more to myself and I bowed my head. I don't know but the mere idea of her being mad at me makes me wanna shed a tear.

"But I'm not ignoring their needs. This time around, I just want to show support for my newest bestfriend. However, if you really don't need me there, I'll go watch Jeed with Blythe then" I raised my head and forced out a smile before bowing again. I can feel my eyes being filled with tears.

"Good night then unnie, I know you'll have to be early tomorrow" I bade without looking at her and turned to left her room still with my head bowed.

"Genie, I'm..." she began but didn't continue. I stopped walking when she called me but when she didn't say any more words, I continued leaving her room.

Back to my room, I fought back my tears before settling down on my bed. I texted Blythe that we're going together before I curled myself in a ball, praying to God that I'll fall asleep the soonest I can.

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