Chapter 29 Day 2 at Jeju

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When we meet the girls, we shared our experiences for the day and Genie enjoyed her time teasing me for losing the bet. She gave the girls 6 tangerines each who happily tucked it in their bags, afraid I might snatch it from them. I just pouted at them.

Manager Dong-il drove us back to our hotel and we all went to our respective rooms as we are tired. I went to shower first and when it's Genie's turn, she picked up the bag from the orchard and brought it with her to the bathroom.

"Genie? Where are you bringing that? Are you gonna spread jams all over your body while you shower?" I asked her but turned to my side when my words replayed in my mind. She chuckled.

"Nah unnie, who knows, you might steal them, I better protect my babies well" she replied as she close the door.

I huffed. I was actually planning to take atleast one tangerine while she was in there. Too bad she is that wise. She took longer inside so I wonder why because she is usually quick in the bathroom.

"Yah Genie, are you sure you aren't spreading jam in there?" I shouted outside the door.

"Why? You wanna come and have a taste?" she shouted back and I was left speechless. I've got a taste of my own medicine and it's bitter.

"" I stutter as I move back to my room. I heard her chuckle then the door opened.

"Jams are for breads unnie" she remarked as she wiped her hair with the towel and hanged it at the closet.

"Wanna know how I beat you?" she asked as she jumped into my bed.

"You cheated" I replied pouting.

"That's not called cheating unnie. It is called strategy. All I have to do is taste a tangerine from the tree and when it tasted sweet, I quickly picked 10 and did the same on the next three generous trees. I was waiting for 15 minutes for you actually" she explained and I smacked her arm.

"That's cheating Genie" I whined although I know it's not. Well, I didn't thought of such strategy. I won't bet against her anymore. She has a brilliant mind and I can't afford to be the loser all the time.

She stood up from my bed and took a plastic bag from the eco bag she even took with her to the bathroom.

"You know it's not unnie, and since I love you, here" she passed the plastic bag to me and joined me in the bed again.

I quickly opened the bag and saw a jar of jam and tangerines. Quickly counting, their are 8.

"Since you put an effort to pick the best tangerines whilst I didn't, we only made the ones I pick to jams. I left your 27 precious tangerines for us" she explained. Aww, how thoughtful.

"Wow, thank you thank you" I placed the bag in the table and hugged her tight, while doing math in my head. She gave 12 to the younger girls and 8 to me, meaning, she only have 7 for herself? Ow, I thought she left more for herself. I suddenly felt ashamed. It's a good thing I didn't accuse her of it or else I would have dug my own grave. Unknowingly, I tightened my hug more.

"Unnie... Can't .... Breathe" Genie complained and I immediately released her.

"Oh, I'm sorry Genie, just that you are so thoughtful. I'd never want another bestfriend aside from you" I apologized and told her sincerely. I'm really serious.

Genie's POV

"You don't?" I asked unnie amused but she nodded.

"Unnie, what if... What if you have to lose me as well?" I asked her and she gasped.

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