Chapter 38 I Have Genie Too

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Every now and then, I would glance at Chae-unnie and saw her focused on what she's doing. Until now, I was shocked by the information. She really have a big heart. The lucky one to marry her will be the luckiest of all luckies. LOL, what am I talking about?

While I'm halfway done with the packing, Dad arrived and helped me with it, while asking if how am I. He has been out earlier to meet with an old comrade.

It's almost dusk when we were all prepared to go and distribute the now neatly stacked packages in the backseat of Chae-unnie's car and their parents' car.

The younger Park insisted she'll drive and Alice surprisingly agreed though she warned me to buckle my seatbelt and if possible wear a helmet. Her sister just rolled her eyes at her. I smiled at their comfortable bantering. I and my sister ain't as close as them.

"I however wondered how this act of an angel never reached the media?" I asked my bestfriend. I was sitting in the passenger seat while Alice unnie was ordered by her sister to the back after she attempted to be the one to sit in my position.

"Because we never revealed ourselves to the receptors" she replied.

"Oh? You mean, you just drove in, leave packages at the doorstep and move to the next?" I asked the idea unappealing to me.

"Of course not" she laughed.

"Mom and Dad knows the head of every shelter we have been sponsoring. They received the packages and promises not to say a word to anyone" Alice unnie chimed in from the back.

"Oh wow, anonymous Santas you are!" I exclaimed and Alice laughed.

"Not really anonymous Genie, they keep a record as well, for reference purposes" Chaeyoung added.

We successfully delivered to the four shelters out of five. While out of the car, I was very cautious to see if anyone is watching us or might recognize us. Though we are wearing costumes, who knows how obsessed people are and could recognize even the back of my bestfriend's hand!

On the last shelter though, the head begged us to come in and give out the packages ourselves to the children. Apparently, this was the very first shelter that they had picked and according to the head, the children badly wanted to see their Santa to thank them properly.

"Unnie, there are just children in there right? No adult, no possible whistle blower?" I whisper asked my bestfriend.

"I think so, are you okay to go?" she asked and I nodded.

Mom and Dad decided to stay with the head while the three of us carried the boxes to the children assembled in a small hall. It is painfully over-crowded but their joy when they saw us is heart wrenching. Before we entered, the head announced to them that they will finally get to meet their Santas.

We greeted them cheerfully and told them to fall in line so we could give them each a pack of food. They did so like police trainees, organized and quick.

"Can you please remove your masks so we can see your whole face" a little girl yelled and I looked at the Parks. Chaeyoung nodded so we did and the children cheered. They look and sound clueless about us so I think it would be fine.

The children who has received their pack has started to fill in the other corners and the three of us focused on giving out packages. I would casually joked with random children and every now and then, I can feel Chae-unnie turn to check on how I am doing.

When we're done, I took out my phone and asked permission if I could take photos from the Parks. Chaeng agreed and before we left, we asked the children to gather for group pictures. I did a selfie including everyone in the room before we put back our masks and waved them goodbye. They were very happy and has thanked us again and again for their yearly packages of food.

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