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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | y/n passes out in the practice room

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | passing out, mentions of a gunshot

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 | ✓

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 | ✓ [only a tiny bit]

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | twice


Y/N was exhausted. The members and her have been practicing for three hours now and she feels tired.

She had a long day of school, then a few hours of vocal training and now, dance practice.

"Okay, everyone. We can take a break." Jihyo announced as she turned the music off.

The girls sat down with a sigh of relief, most of them grabbing their water bottles.

Y/N took a sip from hers and leaned her head against the wall.

"You okay?" Tzuyu asked from next to her. Y/N looked at her and nodded, before she closed the water bottle.

"Just tired." She said.

Y/N pulled her knees towards her chest and laid her head on top of them. She was ready to close her eyes at any moment, and to fall into a deep sleep.

She flinched in surprise when a member - Tzuyu, she assumed - placed a cold water bottle against the back of her neck.

"Is she okay?" Nayeon asked, pointing towards Y/N, who now had her head in between her knees, looking at the floor.

"Just tired, she said." Tzuyu told the oldest.

"Make sure that she gets some rest when we'll go to the dorm." Nayeon said, her soft spot clearly showing.

Tzuyu nodded and took the water bottle from Y/N's neck, when she heard their leader's orders.

"Break's over." Jihyo said loudly. The girls groaned and got up.

They got in position and Jihyo started the music again.

It was clear that all of them were tired, but Y/N looked the most exhausted. The bags under her eyes and her unusually pale skin, were proving it.

But Y/N knew she couldn't stop. She had to give her best, so she wouldn't disappointed her fans, the CEO and most importantly; her members.

That plan seemed to be working, until 'Scientist' started to play. While it wasn't a very hard choreography, Y/N felt as if she'd drop any second.

And, well...she did.

During the chorus, she started seeing small, black spots, that grew bigger within seconds. She felt dizzy and lightheaded. Her knees felt weak and she was sure that anyone who looked at her would notice that something was wrong.

But before anyone could point it out, Y/N's legs gave out and she dropped to the floor.

Luckily, Dahyun was fast enough to catch her, so she wouldn't hit her head on the floor.

The eagle lowered Y/N to the floor, as the members started crowding the two.

"Y/N, hey, can you hear me?" Jihyo asked, as she gently tapped on the maknae's cheeks, trying to wake her up.

Sana got a cold water bottle - the same one that Tzuyu had - and placed it on Y/N's forehead to cool her down, incase she was overheating.

The members continued trying to wake her up, with little success.

Until eventually, after three minutes, Y/N did open her eyes.

"What happened?" She quietly groaned out, as she tried to sit up.

Momo carefully pushed her back to the floor, keeping her hands on Y/N's shoulder, because she kept trying to get up.

"You passed out." Mina said, adjusting the cold bottle on the girl's forehead.

"Can I get up from the floor? It's uncomfortable." Y/N complained.

"I got you." Jeongyeon said, lifting the small girl from the floor. She carried her to the couch, where she placed her down.

"Why didn't you tell us that you weren't feeling well?" Jihyo asked.

"I didn't want to worry you." Y/N said quietly, while she played with her fingers.

Mina took her hands and started tracing shapes on them, which made Y/N relax.

"Y/N, you gotta tell us when you don't feel well. We don't want you passing out." Nayeon said, sitting down beside the girl.

"I'm sorry, unnie." Y/N mumbled.

"Don't be sorry. Just tell us when you don't feel good, so we can avoid stuff like this from happening." Sana said. Y/N nodded.

"How about we go to the dorm and order some food? And you," Jihyo said, pointing at Y/N, "go rest after that."

Y/N nodded again. Momo helped her back to the van, where she had sat down in between MiChaeng.

"Do you feel better now?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah. Still tired, though." Y/N sighed, leaning against the headrest.

Chaeyoung reached over to the younger's shoulder and leaned her towards herself.

Y/N rested her head on the cub's shoulder, while Mina played some games on her phone, glancing over to check on Y/N, every few minutes.

The members tried to be as quiet as possible (which didn't turn out very well), until they arrived at the dorm.

Mina and Chaeng helped Y/N in, and Y/N laid down on the couch.

"Food will be here in thirty minutes." Jihyo said, placing her phone on the counter.

Dahyun sat down next to Y/N, who sat next to Chaeyoung (Mina wanted to play Minecraft), and Tzuyu sat down next to Dahyun.

"What are we watching?" Dahyun asked, when she saw the remote in Y/N's hands and that the TV was turned on.

"Don't know," Y/N shrugged, handing the remote over to the eagle, "You choose."

The girls ended up with a random drama on the TV, that they were so in to, even though they didn't know what's going on.

"Do you think he's gonna marry her?" Chaeyoung whispered, pointing towards the man on the TV.

A second later, a shot was heard (on the TV) and the said man dropped dead to the floor.

The girls gasped in unison.

"I thought they'd get their happy ending." Y/N said sadly.

"At least she was able to keep his money." Tzuyu said, not really caring about the romance.

"I mean, yeah. Who needs a guy when you can have money?" Y/N said.

𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗖𝗘 ; 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗁 𝖬𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 [𝖢𝖮𝖬𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖳𝖤]Where stories live. Discover now