- ʙᴀᴅ ɪɴғʟᴜᴇɴᴄᴇ, ᴘᴛ. ɪɪ

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Y/N got woken up by someone shaking her gently. She opened her eyes and saw Momo in front of her.

"Hey, it's time to wake up." Momo said, as she stopped shaking the younger girl.

"What time is it?" Y/N asked tiredly, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

"Almost 11. You've slept for a long time." Momo said.

"What about school?" Y/N asked before she let out a long yawn.

Momo smiled, "It's Saturday, remember?"

Y/N closed her eyes again and and snuggled into the blanket, "Then let me sleep for a bit longer."

Momo chuckled, "Can't do that. Jihyo wants to talk with you." Y/N turned around, facing the wall.

Momo gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around.

"You don't have to worry about it, okay? She's in a good mood today." She told the young girl.

Y/N hid her face in her pillow, she really didn't want to talk to Jihyo despite Momo's assurance.

"C'mon, get up. I'll tell Jihyo you'll be there in thirty minutes." The Japanese woman said, patting Y/N on the shoulder before leaving the room.

When the maknae heard the door close, she turned around and stared at the ceiling for good five minutes, thinking about how she should talk to her leader. Y/N laid in bed for another ten minutes before she got up and got ready.

Another ten minutes later and Y/N was dressed in an XXL sized hoodie that Chaeyoung had ordered for her on accident, a pair of comfortable sweatpants and some fluffy alpaca slippers.

Her glasses (if u have any) were resting on the bridge of her nose and her hair was tied up in a messy bun.

She prayed silently and opened the door while letting out a deep breath before she stepped into the hallway.

She honestly felt like she was the main character in a drama that was about to comit some serious crime.

"Why are you walking in slow-mo?" Tzuyu judged, while she walked past Y/N.

Y/N looked away awkwardly and continued walking to the kitchen normally, as Tzuyu entered her dorm room.

"What the heck are you wearing?" Dahyun laughed, when she saw Y/N's hoodie almost reaching her ankles.

"Chae bought it for me." Y/N smiled before she met Jihyo's gaze.

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to buy it in XXL." Chaeyoung defended herself.

Y/N stayed quiet as Jihyo and her had a little staring contest. The leader did a small 'come here' motion with her fingers and Y/N hesitantly walked over to her.

"Let's go to your room, hm? We'll have some privacy." Jihyo said, smiling at Y/N, not to scare her more than she already was. The younger girl nodded, so they walked back to her room.

"Look, I just wanna say that what you did wasn't right and I think that you know that yourself. I was a bit harsh yesterday, I'll admit that, but I didn't mean to. I was just....scared, I guess, about what could've happened if someone had caught you." Jihyo explained, "I'm not happy with the choice you've made and I think that you should definitely stop hanging out with those kids."

Y/N stared at her adorable alpaca slippers the whole time Jihyo talked, not once looking at her, scared that she'd see anger, or worse, disappointment.

"Can you promise that you'll stop with this little habit of yours and find different friends. Some that won't force - or convince - you to do stuff that you don't wanna do?" Jihyo asked, trying her bed to look at Y/N.

The young girl nodded her head, "I promise. And I'm sorry."

Jihyo smiled before she pulled her into a hug, "It's okay now. Let's forget about it the best we can and try not to get into this situation again, okay?"

Y/N got comfy in the crook of Jihyo's neck and smiled, "Okay." She said, her voice muffled.

"I had a talk with the other members before. They all agreed to just keep this a secret and move on." The god said.

"Thank you." Y/N mumbled, still hiding in her leader's neck.

"It's okay. Now, how about we go make some dinner? We can watch a movie with the other girls and have a nice day." Jihyo suggested, letting go of Y/N.

"I'd like that." Y/N nodded.

Jihyo smiled again and took her hand. The left the room together and went back to the kitchen.

Momo's eyes met Y/N's. The younger girl send a thankful smile towards her unnie, who smiled back and put a thumb up, silently asking if it went well. Y/N nodded and lifted up Jihyo's hand that was holding her's. Momo showed another thumbs up and did a small dance, happy that she was able to convince the maknae to talk to the leader and that everything was back to normal.


Finished it earlier than I thought

Btw I got no clue how we got from 10k reads to 13k reads in like two days or so, but thanks <3

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