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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | the girls made it their mission to wake up neko!y/n.

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀| bad writing lol [I wrote this like a year ago and was too lazy to edit it]

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 | ✓

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 | ✕

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | twice


It was 8 a.m in Seoul, meaning that Y/N was still asleep. She wasn't a big fan of waking up early, so her group members made it their mission to wake up the sleeping neko.

"How about we pour a glass of cold water over her?" Dahyun suggested with an evil smirk on her face. She liked to prank the maknae, but secretly had a soft spot for her.

"Or we could just wake her up like a normal person." Mina said. She was pretty caring towards Y/N, like a big sister.

The girls argued over how to wake up the youngest member, without noticing that Jihyo was already making her way towards Y/N's room.

Jihyo was the leader of Twice, which meant that she was kind of protective over all of them. It was no secret that she was the most protective over Y/N. Not only, because Y/N was the youngest, but also because she was a neko. Jihyo didn't want Y/N to feel insecure about her adorable ears and tail, so she assured the girl every day, how amazing they are.

Jihyo carefully opened Y/N's door and almost 'awwed' outloud, when she saw how cute the girl looked.

Y/N was sleeping on her side, facing the window. Her blanket was tucked under her chin and a small pout was on her lips. Her ears were down and her tail was covered under the blanket. Y/N's hair was spread all over the pillow and tiny snores were heard.

'I swear, I'm gonna curse everyone that makes fun of her,' Jihyo thought, while she closed the door. She made her way to Y/N's bed, and carefully started to stroke the younger girl's messy hair.

"Wake up, Y/N/N." Jihyo said quietly, almost a whisper.

Y/N let out a quiet sound and cuddled into Jihyo's hand. "Don't wanna." She mumbled.

Jihyo smiled, "The others are planning on pouring water over you. Do you want that?" She asked teasingly, knowing that Y/N, like a cat, didn't like water very much.

The maknae's eyes opened, but closed immediately when the sun reached her orbs.

Jihyo placed herself in front of Y/N, so that the sun wouldn't shine into her eyes. Y/N opened her eyes again and smiled when she saw her leader.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Jihyo said, right before she brushed over Y/N's ears. The ears twitched slightly, because they were quite sensitive, same as her tail.

Jihyo continued to stroke Y/N's ears, as the younger girl started to purr, unintentionally, of course.

While Jihyo was waking the maknae up, the other members noticed that the leader wasn't in the living room anymore.

"Where'd Thomas go?" Nayeon asked, when she noticed it. The other girls looked around and noticed that the leader was indeed not there anymore.

"Maybe she went to wake up Y/N." Chaeyoung said, while she looked at the TV, where a K-Drama was playing.

"I'm gonna look." Sana said, as she went to the said girl's room. She opened the door and peeked through the gap.

"Aww." She said, while she looked at the maknae, whose ears were still brushed by the leader. Sana took out her phone and took a picture, but forgot to turn off the flashlight.

Y/N's and Jihyo's heads turned towards the Japanese girl, who was looking at them with a guilty smile.

"Oh, you Sanake." Y/N said, as she got out of bed. Her ears were pointed up, and her tail was hanging down, while it was moving slightly.

"You two looked adorableee." Sana squealed, as she ran over to the neko. She hugged Y/N tightly and hid her face in Y/N's hair, right between her ears.

"Yah! Break it up." Jihyo said, while Y/N tried to break out of Sana's arms. Sana let Y/N go, but kept an arm around her.

"Come on. The others are wondering where you guys are." She said, as she led Y/N out of the room. Jihyo followed both of her members into the living room, where the others were.

"Look at this! It's so cute." Sana said, while she shoved her phone into Tzuyu's face.

"You know, your whole camera roll is full with pictures of Y/N." Jeongyeon said, as she ate a grape.

"But she's adorable." Sana said. She continued to coo over Y/N, who was now being cuddled by Momo and Dahyun on the couch.

"What's with you guys, today? As soon as I'm out of bed, you just started cuddling with me." Y/N said, while Momo held her against her chest. Y/N wasn't really complaining about being cuddled, but it was still slightly weird, since Sana was usually the only one to cuddle with her.

"We just love you so much." Dahyun said dramatically, while putting her hand over her heart. Y/N looked at her weirdly, but shook her head.

"Anyways, members. Today we're not gonna eat breakfast at home." Nayeon said.

"Which is totally a surprise." Y/N said sarcastically, since they almost never ate breakfast at their dorm.

Nayeon looked at her, "Don't use that tone on me, young lady."

"Sure, grandma." Y/N whispered, as the oldest rolled her eyes.

"That's enough. Y/N, go get ready, we're going in 15 minutes." Jihyo said.

"Yes, mom." Y/N said, before she went back to her room.

"If Nayeon unnie is the grandma and Jihyo unnie is the mom, does that mean that Jihyo unnie is Nayeon unnie's daughter?" Chaeyoung asked.

"You gotta stop hanging out with Y/N." Jeongyeon said, as she ate another grape, while the others nodded.

𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗖𝗘 ; 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗁 𝖬𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 [𝖢𝖮𝖬𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖳𝖤]Where stories live. Discover now