- ʏ/ɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ, ᴘᴛ. ɪ

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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | just some moments with y/n and twice

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | mentions of jeongyeon's hiatus, a bit of crying [is that a warning?], wardrobe malfunction

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 | ✓

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 | ✕

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | twice, a very small mention of hyunjin [stray kids]


Nayeon & Y/N

Nayeon was known to be very protective of Y/N. Sure, she could tease her all day, but she could also act like a worried, protective mother.

During ISAC, Nayeon kept a close eye on Y/N and the people around her, to make sure that no one tried anything.

And she couldn't help but notice Stray Kids' Hyunjin walking over to her girl (possessive much). Nayeon couldn't hear what he was asking her, but she did see him handing a bottle of water to the young girl.

Before Y/N could say anything, Nayeon marched over to them, put an arm around Y/N and looked at the man with an obvious fake smile.

"Sorry, but Y/N doesn't have time for this right now." Y/N smiled apologetically at Hyunjin, as Nayeon started to drag her away.

No man was able to get closer to Y/N than this, trust me.


Jeongyeon & Y/N

When Jeongyeon went on her hiatus, Y/N was crushed. The two were since the beginning really close. Everyone noticed how low Y/N's mood has been after the hiatus was announced.

The other members have tried countless time to cheer the maknae up, but it was useless.

Despite her mood, Y/N has tried to keep a smile on her face and push through.

When Jeongyeon's hiatus was over, the girls decided to surprise Y/N. During a concert, they planned for Jeongyeon to join them, just randomly, without Y/N knowing.

And so she did.

While the girls were talking to their fans, Jeongyeon came out from backstage, which made everyone cheer loudly.

Y/N, the only member that was actually surprised, turned to her members, eyebrows furrowed.

Jihyo pointed behind her and Y/N turned around, her confused expression immediately turning into a shocked one.

After realizing that Jeongyeon was actually there and she wasn't just imagining it, she ran up to the older girl and hugged her tightly before sobbing into her shoulder, mumbling about how happy she is to see her and how she missed her.

"I missed you, too, Y/N." A kiss was placed on Y/N's forehead.


Momo & Y/N

The foodies of the group. Y/N was probably the only members that Momo would share food with and same the other way around.

They also had this thing where they'd just feed each other. The members were weirded out at first, but they got used to it since it happened basically every day.

On a late evening stroll, Y/N and Momo had decided to take a camera with them and record themselves, while talking about random things.

When they saw a corn dog stand around the next corner, they knew they had to get one.

After taking pictures with the seller, they got their corn dogs and sat down on a bench nearby.

"Wanna try?" Momo asked, her mouth full, while she held out her corn dog for Y/N to take.

The younger girl nodded and handed her's over to Momo. They switched them and tried them, letting out 'mmh's when the flavor hit their taste buds.

After their little corn dog break, the two continued strolling around, talking about how delicious the food was. This was without a doubt one of the cutest clips of the two.


Sana & Y/N

As we all know, Sana is very affectionate. But Y/N? Not so much.

But Sana didn't seem to mind that and despite the protest, she continued hugging Y/N (and sometimes kiss her on her cheek).

On probably every picture and video where you'd see Sana hugging/kissing Y/N, you could see Y/N rolling her eyes.

But one day she decided to do something that surprised everyone.

On one VLive with all of the members, Sana leaned over to Y/N and hugged her from behind before giving her a small kiss on the cheek, smiling brightly afterwards.

No one expected Y/N to wrap her hands around Sana's and lean back before giving her a kiss back.

Sana's mouth opened in shock, along with everyone else's that saw what had happened.

You sure as hell can bet that Y/N got teased for this.


Jihyo & Y/N

Y/N and Jihyo were basically a single (lesbian) mom and her daughter. When Y/N needed help with the Korean language, homework or hitting the right notes, Jihyo was always there.

She'd also help during a wardrobe malfunction. Even though it had never happened to Y/N, she knew that she could count on Jihyo.

The skirt that she was wearing was uncomfortably high, but Y/N was only able to notice after she had left to go on stage, because she was in a rush.

Y/N was visibility uncomfortable and by the way she was pulling the skirt down, you could see why.

Luckily Jihyo had noticed and immediately made her way over to Y/N. She took off her jacket and wrapped it around Y/N's waist, making sure to cover her thighs.

To comfort Y/N, she wrapped her up in her hug and whispered some sweet things into her ear, only leaving her when she saw that she's a lot more comfortable than before.


Part 2 will obviously be this but with the other members. I wanted to include all of them in one chapter, but I couldn't think of more ideas lol

Thank you, person who requested this, it was a lot of fun to write

Also, I hope you guys' christmas will be filled with lots of love, happiness and peace 💕

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