- ɢᴏɴᴇ

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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | y/n gets kidnapped

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | kidnapping, almost cursing lol, a creepy guy

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 |

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 | ✓ [but not really?]

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | twice


Y/N should've listened to her members. They've told her thousands of times, not to go outside alone; especially at night.

But after a tiring day, the girls came back home from their schedules and Y/N discovered that her ramen stash was almost empty.

Because the other members were so tired, they just let her go buy some new packs.

Y/N promised to be back not later than an hour, so Jihyo looked at the clock and waited.

She waited and waited for Y/N to arrive. The other members were sleeping at this point, considering it was already midnight.

Jihyo tried to keep her eyes open, but fell asleep only minutes later.

The next day, when the members woke up one by one, they got concerned about where Y/N was.

They tried calling her, but she didn't reply. Eventually (after literally 5 minutes), they called one of the managers, telling him that their youngest member was missing.

Chaos broke out immediately. Security guards and managers looked through the whole JYP building, while the members called some of Y/N's friends, asking if they've seen her.

Meanwhile, Y/N was laying in the corner of an old, empty house. Her eyes were still closed while someone stood in front of her unconscious body.

"Wakey, wakey." A deep voice said (no it's not Felix), while he poked her with a broomstick.

Y/N's eyes opened as she yawned. But she panicked when she saw the unfamiliar figure in front of her.

"There you are. I was starting to think that you died." The man said.

"W-Who are you?" Y/N asked, as she backed up against the wall.

"Oh, you don't need to know that." The man told her.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Y/N asked, scared.

The man didn't reply and left before coming back with a syringe in his hand, some weird, blue-ish liquid filled in it.

"Now, i need you to stay very still for me. You don't want me to accidentally kill you, do you?" The man asked, kneeling down in front of Y/N, a creepy smile plastered on his lips.

Y/N tried to get up, but he grabbed her leg and pulled her back down, which caused her to fall.

The man took this opportunity and injected the liquid into Y/N's arm.

Three days have passed. News about Y/N missing have been leaked and everyone was worried.

Y/N's members and managers haven't stopped searching, but still didn't find anything.

"Where did you say she was going?" A manager asked, looking over to Jihyo.

"The convenience store. She wanted to buy ramen." Jihyo told him.

"Where you there already? You know, to check the cameras or something." Another manager said.

The girls looked at each other and slowly shook their heads no.

(The managers could only facepalm at the reply)

"Well, let's go there then."

Only ten minutes later, the girls arrived at the convenience store. The saw a police car in front of it, which worried them a bit.

"Looks like we got a lead on where Y/N might be." One of the cops said, nodding over to the laptop where they were watching the security footage.

It showed Y/N walking towards the store and a white BMW pulled up next to her, the license plate pointed right towards the camera.

A man, about 6 feet tall, stepped out of the car. He came up behind Y/N and put his arms around her, his hand holding a cloth on Y/N's mouth.

He dragged her into the car and drove off.

"Now we gotta find him." The other cop said.

"When are you gonna find him? Is it gonna take long? Do you think he'll hurt Y/N?" Momo rambled.

"We hope he won't hurt her."

Another day passed. Y/N layed in the same corner, bruises covering her body. Her hair was messy and her clothes were dirty and ripped.

The man sat on a chair in front of her, staring at her face, smiling.

"They're gonna find you soon." Y/N mumbled.

The man chuckled, "They won't find me. Don't worry, darling."

Y/N cringed at the name and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

Now it was her turn to chuckle, while the man glared at her with a pained expression.

"You'll regret that, you little-"

He got interrupted by someone kicking the front door down. Three police officers, holding their guns, entered the house.

The man (who kidnapped Y/N) panicked and ran out through the back door. The officers followed him while the rest of TWICE ran over to Y/N.

"Are you okay?"

"Did he hurt you?"

"We're so sorry that we didn't find you before."

Questions were thrown at Y/N, who still layed basically passed out on the floor.

"Guys, shut up!" Jeongyeon yelled, "Get a medic or something."

Chaeyoung ran out and got the paramedics that they have called before.

The police officers came back with the man. He was handcuffed and glared at Y/N, but his expression quickly changed, when he met the angry glares of 8 girls.

When Jihyo saw the man, she walked over to him. She didn't wait and slapped his cheek. Hard. After that, she started to punch his arms and chest.

"How could you hurt her like that? I hope you'll rot in jail, you stupid, ugly son of a-" Another police officer gently pulled her away from the man, while she continued yelling.

The other members stood at the side, surprised at her outburst, but also understanding it.

After Y/N got driven to a hospital, JYP released a statement about her being found and that the man was arrested.

Y/N's friends immediately visited her in the hospital and she also got tons of messages online from ONCE and family members, that hoped that she was fine (at least as fine as she could be) and that they were glad to have her back.


It's been forever since I updated, I'm so sorry. This took days to finish cuz my mental health said goodbye💀

Also this was kinda requested and I hope that it ended up being somewhat okay

Again not proof read because I'm ✨lazy✨

Btw thx so much for 50k reads💕

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