- ʜᴇ's ʙᴀᴄᴋ, ᴘᴛ. ɪɪ

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A couple day after Y/N was brought into the hospital, she was able to leave.

As soon as she, Jeongyeon, Mina, Nayeon and a few security guards left the hospital (the other members were at the dorm), fans and paparazzi were already crowding them.

Y/N stayed close to her members, while security did their best in keeping the fans away.

Luckily, all of them reached the company van quite quickly and we're therefore able to drive to the dorm.

"You okay?" Mina asked, when she saw Y/N grip her injured shoulder, hissing a bit.

"Yeah, I think I might've just bumped against someone." Y/N said, breathing out a sigh of relief as the pain started to fade away again.

The nurse at the hospital had given her a dosage of pain medicine, so she wouldn't be in pain on the ride back home. She also gave Jeongyeon a bottle of strong painkillers, in case the pain came back.

Mina nodded at the younger girl's assurance as their manager started driving.

Y/N leaned her head against the headrest the whole ride, while also keeping her eyes shut.

Not longer than twenty minutes, and they all arrived at the dorm. After making sure they weren't followed, they got out of the car.

Right before Jeongyeon wanted to knock, the door opened, revealing a worried, but also angry-looking Jihyo.

"Have fun with her." Dahyun mouthed to Y/N, as she walked by them, before taking Nayeon's and Jeongyeon's hand, dragging them away.

Chaeyoung followed closely, her hand holding Mina's.

"In with you and then we'll talk." Jihyo said sternly, raising one eyebrow.

Y/N scurried into the dorm, her head kept down. She followed Jihyo into the living room, where the both sat down on the couch.

"Now, explain to me what that was? Why would you get yourself into a situation like that?" Jihyo asked, her arms crossed.


"You saw that he had a gun! This could've ended way worse." The leader said, clearly angry.

"Give that kid time to answer, Jihyo." Momo playfully said, as she walked into the kitchen.

Jihyo took a deep breath, "Okay, explain yourself." She said, looking back at Y/N.

The younger girl bit down on her lower lip, "I didn't want you guys to get hurt."

Jihyo's eyes soften.

She couldn't be angry with Y/N, just because she wanted to protect her unnies, right?

Her eyes drifted to Y/N's shoulder.

"You still shouldn't have jumped in the way, Y/N. Security would've handled it." Jihyo said.

"Security wasn't even there! Was i supposed to just let you get shot and possibly die?" Y/N asked loudly, not caring about her tone.

"Keep your voice down, Y/N." Jihxo said strictly.

"Look, thank you for being concerned and what not, but I, even if I could, wouldn't have let you guys get hurt." Y/N said, before she got up and stormed into her room.

She ignored Dahyun's, Chaeyoung's and Tzuyu's eyes and laid down in her bed, facing the wall.

The three looked at each other, but decided not to disturb the younger girl.

Y/N stared at the wall, while she thought about how she talked to Jihyo. If the leader wouldn't accept that Y/N only wanted to protect them, then it wasn't her problem.

"What happened?" Jeongyeon asked, when she saw Jihyo on the couch, her head in her hands.

"I think I screwed up." Jihyo said, before she started to explain what happened.

"Where is Y/N?" Jeongyeon asked, when the leader was done.

"In our room, I think she's sleeping." Dahyun said, quietly leaving the room and closing the door.

"Let's just let her sleep for now. She's had a few stressful days." Jeongyeon said. She patted Jihyo's back before she left for her own room again.

A few more hours later, Nayeon decided to wake Y/N up for dinner. She opened the door and saw the maknae seemingly sleeping peacefully, hidden under the blanket.

"Y/N/N, dinner's done." The eldest said, before she carefully pulled the blanket from Y/N.

And then she was met with a heartbreaking sight.

Y/N was curled up, holding her shoulder obviously in pain, while tears streamed down her face.

"Hey, Y/N/N, what happened?" Nayeon asked concerned.

"It hurts." Y/N whispered.

Nayeon carefully turned her around and wiped a few tears away.

"Stay here for a second, okay? I'll grab the painkillers." She said before she rushed out of the room, only to bump into Sana on her way out.

"What happened? I wanted to check up on you both, because you took a bit long." Sana said, helping the older girl up.

"Y/N's in pain, I gotta go grab the painkillers." Nayeon said as she stood back up.

"Oh, I got them here. Jeongyeon wanted me to bring them to Y/N's room." Sana said, handing the older girl the painkillers.

Nayeon took the bottle and went back to Y/N, followed by Sana.

"Here you go. Take these and drink this." The eldest said, handing Y/N two pills and a glass of water.

Y/N swallowed the pills with some water and set the glass back down.

"It should kick in in a couple minutes." Sana said, as she read the small text on the back of the bottle.

"What happened here?" Jihyo asked, appearing in the hallway.

Y/N instantly looked the other way when she spotted the leader.

Nayeon and Sana looked at each other, silently communicating, before they both left the room.

Jihyo frowned as Y/N kept her gaze out of the window. She grabbed a chair and went closer to the bed, where she put the chair on the floor before sitting on it.

"I'm sorry about before." She started, "I shouldn't have talked to you the way I did. I know, you just wanted to protect us, but you also have to think about yourself, Y/N/N."

Y/N nodded, "I'm sorry, too. I should have spoken to you with more respect."

"Don't worry about it." Jihyo smiled, "Let's just...forget about this for now, hm?"

Y/N nodded again and leaned her head on Jihyo's shoulder.

"Are you still in pain?" The leader asked, brushing her hand through the maknae's hair.

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore." Y/N mumbled, before she yawned.

"Go back to sleep, okay? When you wake up, I'll bring you some food." Jihyo told the younger girl.

Y/n leaned back in her bed and Jihyo covered her with the blanket. She gave Y/N a soft kiss on the forehead, before she whispered a quiet 'I love you' and left the room.

Y/N smiled a bit at the leader's words, while hugging her stuffed panda close and falling asleep.


This was a bit rushed (and not proof read) cause I didn't want to wait too long to give you guys an update

Hope you have a great day/night <3

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