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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | y/n flinches while getting scolded by jihyo

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | some kind of trauma in the past, but it's not actually mentioned

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 | ✓

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 | ✓

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | jeongyeon, jihyo, nayeon, momo


All Y/N wanted to do is grab a mug for her tea. She had reached up to the shelf and felt around with her hand where one was. Because she wasn't tall enough to look where one was standing, she had accidentally knocked over a mug, causing it to fall onto the floor and break immediately.

Y/N cursed silently, when she noticed that it was Jeongyeon's favorite mug that she had gotten from her mom.

She tried to pick up the pieces, to clean the mess, but ended up accidentally cutting her palm.

"What happened? I heard something break." Momo asked, coming into the kitchen with an half empty bowl of snacks.

"I accidentally dropped a mug." Y/N told her, holding a kitchen towel to her bleeding palm.

"Are you okay?" Momo asked, nodding towards the couple blood drops on the floor.

"Yeah, don't worry. It's just a small cut." Y/N said, putting the towel down before cleaning the broken glass pieces up again, careful not to cut herself again.

"What happened here?" Jihyo asked with a bag of groceries in her hands.

Y/N looked up, panicked, knowing that she'd get scolded for breaking something.

"I-I'm sorry, I accidentally dropped a mug." She mumbled, finishing picking up all the pieces.

"Was that the one Jeongyeon got from her mom?" Jihyo asked, seeing the familiar pattern on the broken glass.

"Yeah." Y/N nodded, "But it was an accident. I swear." She quickly added.

"Y/N, you gotta be more careful. You can't just go around breaking stuff." Jihyo said sternly.

"Do I wanna know what's happening here?" Nayeon asked carefully, as she also entered the kitchen.

"Y/N broke Jeongyeon unnie's mug." Momo said, grabbing a snack from her bowl.

"It was an accident!" Y/N exclaimed.

"On accident." Momo added.

"I heard my name. What's going on?" Jeongyeon said, popping up out of nowhere.

"Y/N broke your mug. On accident." Nayeon said, motioning towards the broken mug.

"Look, whether it was an accident or not, you gotta learn to be more careful." Jihyo said, looking at Y/N, who looked at the floor. She continued scolding Y/N, while the other three members only watched.

"God, this is frustrating." Jihyo muttered, lifting her hand to brush her short hair from her face.

Y/N, thinking that she was gonna get hit, flinched and stepped back, right into the kitchen counter.

Jihyo halted her movement and looked at Y/N, same with the other members.

"Did you think that I...was gonna h-hit you?" The leader asked softly. Y/N gulped and hesitantly nodded her head.

"Why would you think that? Y/N/N, I would never hit you. None of us would." Jihyo said, stepping closer to Y/N, who tried to step back, despite the reassurance.

She curled her hands up in fists and winced a bit, when she had accidentally touched the cut on her palm.

"Let me take a look at that." Nayeon said, reaching over to take Y/N's hand.

The maknae let her and watched as Nayeon took out a small first aid kit. Nayeon opened it and took out a small alcohol wipe, carefully cleaning the small wound before putting a band aid over it.

"Y/N, can you look at me?" Jihyo asked, when Nayeon was done.

Y/N looked at the leader and grew a bit less tense at the sight of her gentle eyes.

"We're not gonna hurt you, okay? It was just an accident and accidents happen." Jihyo assured.

"Besides, it was just a mug. My mom can always get me a new one." Jeongyeon told the youngest.

"But you had it for years now." Y/N mumbled.

"That doesn't matter. As I said, she can always get a new one." Jeongyeon said, smiling at her.

"Okay." Y/N whispered.

"Now, let's throw that glass away so no one else will get hurt." Nayeon said, pointing towards the glass that Y/N had put on the counter.

The three of them threw the glass pieces away while Momo still ate the rest of her snacks.

"Do you wanna go watch a movie or something?" Jeongyeon asked Y/N, grabbing her a new mug for the tea. Y/N nodded and took the mug from her, putting it down.

"I'm gonna watch too." Nayeon said, raising her arm.

"Me three." Jihyo added.

"Me four!" Momo said, filling up the bowl with new snacks.

Y/N finally got to make her tea and the five of them ended up watching a random Disney movie that was on TV.

"You're safe with us. No one will ever hurt you." Jihyo whispered, holding Y/N in her arms, while stroking her back for comfort.


Thx for 4k reads <3

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