- ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ, ᴘᴛ. ɪɪ

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Y/N looked at her members, expecting to get yelled at, or scolded, but they stayed quiet.

Jeongyeon was the first one to walk up to her bed, but was quickly followed by the rest of the members.

Sana took Y/N's hand and sat down on the chair beside the bed.

"What happened, Y/N-ssi?" Momo asked softly.

"I just....couldn't handle it anymore, I guess." Y/N said, as she shrugged.

"JYP said, that he'll post an official statement regarding the hate comments." TWICE's manager said, as she came into the room.

Y/N nodded and sighed, looking down at her wrists that were stitched and bandaged up.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were feeling this way?" Nayeon asked, which made Y/N look at her.

"I didn't wanna worry you guys." The girl said.

"You gotta tell us stuff like that." Jihyo said, "Or it'll lead to this."

Y/N nodded and bit her lip, trying to stop herself from crying.

"We'll make sure that the hate comments will stop, okay? But you'll be on a break for a few days, maybe even weeks." Jeongyeon said.

"But I can't let ONCE down." Y/N argued.

"Your health is important, Y/N." Dahyun told her.

"But it's not. Didn't you see all the comments telling me that I should die." Y/N said, which broke the members' hearts.

"You can't listen to them." Mina told her softly, "They are just idiots who are jealous of you."

"Mina's right." Momo said, agreeing with the younger woman. She hugged Y/N and the others joined.

"When will I be able to leave?" Y/N asked, as they broke up the hug.

"A couple days, think." Jihyo said, looking at their manager for confirmation, "Yeah, a couple days." She said, when their manager nodded.

"We're gonna stay with you the whole time, though." Sana said, giving Y/N a kiss on her cheek.

Y/N nodded and smiled a tiny bit before she put her head on the Japanese woman's shoulder.

"Tired?" Jeongyeon asked, stroking Y/N's hand carefully.

"A bit." Y/N mumbled, cuddling into Sana.

"Go to sleep, we'll be here when you wake up." Chaeyoung assured.

"But I'm hungry." Y/n complained.

"We'll get some food while you're sleeping and when you wake up, you can eat, okay?" Jihyo suggested.

Y/N agreed and lied down. Her members watched her with adoration as she fell asleep.

"I'll go to the restaurant nearby and get some take out." Nayeon said, standing up from the chair she sat on.

"I'll come with you." Jeongyeon said, raising her hand.

"Be careful. And try not to be spotted by ONCE." Jihyo said.

2Yeon nodded and left the hospital with a mask covering the lower half of their faces and caps resting on their heads.


The two came back about fifteen minutes later and went back to Y/N's room.

"We're back." Nayeon said, taking her mask off before putting the bag of food down.

"Ah, finally. I was starving." Momo said, putting a hand on her stomach.

"Y/N-ah, wake up." Mina said softly, gently stroking Y/N's cheek.

Y/N opened her eyes a few seconds later and yawned.

"Food?" She asked tiredly before sitting up with Mina's help.

"What do you want? We got corn dogs, tteokbokki, gimbap, kimchi fried rice and jokbal." Dahyun said, taking a few boxes from the bag.

"I want jokbal!" Momo said loudly, raising her arm.

"That's why we got two orders of jokbal." Nayeon sighed, handing a box of jokbal over to Momo, along with a pair of chopsticks.

"I want a corn dog and.... tteokbokki." Y/N said. Dahyun handed her a box with tteokbokki and a corn dog before handing the other food out to the other members.

"Be careful with your wrist." Jeongyeon pointed out, nodding towards Y/N's bandaged up wrist.

"I'm being careful." Y/N mumbled, taking a bite out of the corn dog.

The members finished their food, with Momo eating all the left overs that they didn't eat.

"What do we do now?" Y/N asked, bored.

"Play some games?" Mina asked, holding her phone up to Y/N.

Y/N nodded, smiling at the penguin who sat down next to her bed.

"I'm gonna drive to JYPE with manager unnie, to discuss how everything's gonna go from now." Jihyo told them, taking her purse.

"Have fun." Nayeon said sarcastically. Jihyo rolled her eyes and left. She got to the company van and drove with their manager to JYPE.

Y/N and Mina continued playing some games while the other members watched some movie on the TV.

A knock on the door startled them. They looked up and saw Y/N's doctor entering.

"Hey, there." She said, smiling at the members, "I'm here to check up on Y/N." She said, putting her clipboard on the small table next to the bed.

"Do you feel comfortable with your members staying here or do you want them to leave?" She asked Y/N.

"They can stay." Y/N said politely.

The doctor nodded at her and gently took her right hand, "I'm just gonna change the bandages and clean the wound a bit." She said.

Y/N nodded and watched as her doctor carefully removed the bandage.

Her members watched with sad looks, when they saw the stitched up cuts.

"It's gonna sting a bit." The doctor told Y/N before she started to wipe over the wound with an alcohol wipe.

Y/N winced and bit her lip. Luckily, the pain faded away after a few seconds.

Her doctor put a different bandage over her wrist and repeated the same process with Y/N's left wrist.

When she saw done, she wrote something down on her clipboard and stood up.

"Try to rest your wrists as much as possible, otherwise it might hurt a lot." She said, "You're able to leave in three days if they're gonna heal properly."

"Thank you." Y/N mumbled. The doctor smiled at her and left the room.

Y/N immediately frowned when the doctor wasn't in sight anymore.

"Hey, why the long face?" Sana asked.

"I don't wanna stay here for that long. I'm gonna be bored out of my mind." Y/N said, pouting at Sana.

"If you want your injuries to heal properly, you gotta stay here and let the doctors take care of you, Y/N/N." Jeongyeon told her.

"And as I told you before, we're gonna visit you any chance we get." Sana said.

"I appreciate that." Y/N admitted shyly.

"Look at who's shy." Nayeon teased, smiling at her, showing her bunny teeth.

"Stop." Y/N said, looking down to hide the blush before letting out a yawn.

"Go to sleep, Y/N-ssi." Mina said, covering the girl with the blanket.

Y/N mumbled a small 'okay' and closed her eyes, falling asleep again.

"You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be here for you." Jeongyeon said, giving Y/N a kiss on her temple.

The maknae smiled and fell deeply into the land of dreams, comforted by the company of her members.



𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗖𝗘 ; 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗁 𝖬𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 [𝖢𝖮𝖬𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖳𝖤]Where stories live. Discover now