• sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs [ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ]

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As Y/N said, she went to sleep. She hoped that she'd wake up happier and that her dad would be in a better mood.

At TWICE's dorm, the girls were happily eating their ordered dinner, while talking and joking about stuff.

"Y/N's been only gone for a week, but it feels like forever." Sana pouted.

"It does, but this week will be over quickly, hopefully, and then we'll see her again." Jeongyeon shrugged, before she reached over to her glass of water.

"At least her dad's taking good care of her." Jihyo said, thankful for the man.

If only she knew....

Y/N woke up the next morning. Her body was sore and her eyes were heavy. She hoped that she could lay in bed for another hour or so, but the voice of her dad prevented her.

"Get up, Y/N! You gotta clean the house, we'll have guests over soon!" He yelled, as he banged his fist against the wooden door.

"I'm up." Y/N said, glancing over to her clock.

Guests at 9 in the morning? Weird.

Nonetheless, she got up and got ready, before cleaning the house.

Her dad ended up leaving the house, saying that he was buying groceries. Y/N ignored his words, fully knowing that he's lying.

When he got back, twenty minutes later, he slammed the door shut. His hands were packed with different kinds of alcohol.

"Didn't I tell you to clean? What the hell is this?" He asked, motioning to the shoe print that he had just left behind.

Y/N stayed quiet and cleaned the spot. Her dad rolled his eyes and kicked her with his dirty shoe, before taking them off.

"Can't even do that right." He muttered, leaving to go to the kitchen with the alcohol.

The doorbell rang half and hour later. Y/N opened it and greeted the guest politely.

The guests ended up being a few friends of her dad's, which were basically just old, stinky men.

Y/N gave each of them a fake smile and led them to her dad.

"The guests are here." She said.

"Go to your room and don't bother us. I don't want to hear a sound." Her dad said. Y/N quickly walked to her room, leaving the five alone.

Two hours later and Y/N was hungry, but also scared scared that if she'd go to the kitchen, her dad would notice and do something to her.

She stayed in her room for another hour, when she decided to walk to the kitchen, quietly and carefully.

She grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge and a small pack of cookies.

When she turned around, wanting to leave and go back to her room, she saw one of her dad's friends.

The man had barely any hair, his clothes looked quite old and worn out and he reeked of alcohol.

"Well, aren't you a gorgeous little thing." The man slurred, setting the half empty bottle of beer on the kitchen counter.

His hand reached for Y/N, which made her drop the cookies and the bottle.

"Stop, let me go." Y/N said, gulping.

"Now, why would I do that?" The man said and Y/N wanted to puke when she saw his yellow teeth and smelled his breath.

"What's going on here?" Y/N heard her dad ask and saw him entering the kitchen seconds later.

"You causing trouble again, little girl?" He asked, looking over to Y/N, who helplessly stood in the kitchen, in the grasp of the old man.

"N-No, I promise-" Y/N stuttered.

Her dad didn't listen and grabbed her roughly by the arm. He dragged her back to her room and shoved her against her desk.

Y/N felt the corner of her desk dig into her back and she knew it'd leave a bruise.

"You have been causing nothing but trouble, do you know how embarrassing that is!?" Her dad yelled.

"Your mother should've given you away when she had the chance!"

Y/N felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes, "Don't talk about mom!" She yelled back, before realizing what she had done.

Her dad chuckled darkly, "So you're yelled at me now?"

"I'm so-"

Y/N got cut of by a hard slap against her cheek. She didn't have time to recover as her dad started punching her several times.

Y/N's nose was bleeding heavily by the third punch and she was gonna get a nasty black eye, she was sure of it.

"YOU NEVER DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME!?" Her dad yelled, as he slammed Y/N into the wall after every word.

He gave her one last shove and left the room, slamming the door shut.

Now Y/N didn't have anything to eat or drink and she was beat up, laying in the corner of her room.

𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗖𝗘 ; 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗁 𝖬𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 [𝖢𝖮𝖬𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖳𝖤]Where stories live. Discover now