- ᴄʟᴜᴍsʏ

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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | y/n breaks her ankle during a concert

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | breaking a bone, hospital, bad writing cuz I've never broken a bone before and have no medical knowledge

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 | ✓

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 | ✓ [but not really]

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | twice


Y/N was known to be clumsy.

She runs into furniture on daily basis, trips and falls or runs into walls and doors.

During concerts, award shows or similar things, the staff never allowed her to wear high heels, because the chance that she'd break or sprain a bone, would be quite high.

But soon enough the staff realized that she could also break a bone with normal shoes on (stupid staff).

During a concert in Seoul, it started raining. The girls heard the voice in their IEM's telling them that the next song would be the last to perform, today, because they didn't want the fans or girl to get sick.

"I have bad news. This is gonna be the last song for today. We can't risk any of us or you getting sick." Jihyo said into her mic, while Y/N had fun playing in the rain.

The audience awwed (in a sad way), but continued enjoying the concert.

During the last song, Y/N started playing catch with Dahyun.

"Be careful, okay? It's slippery." Jeongyeon said, patting Y/N's shoulder before letting her run off again.

While running away from Dahyun, her foot twisted and she felt herself fall.

Dahyun luckily caught her, but she felt a sharp pain in her ankle.

"Are you okay?" The pale girl asked, looking at the maknae worriedly.

"It hurts." Y/N said breathlessly, crouching down to hold her ankle.

The others noticed the action and went over to them, as they stopped singing in the middle of the song.

Y/n felt quite embarrassed about what had happened and tried to play it off, saying that everything was fine.

"Y/N, you're not fine. Your ankle is starting to swell up." Nayeon said, before she called one of the staff members over.

Y/N tried to get up with Mina's help, but the pain prevented her.

The staff guy came over and Y/N allowed him to pick her up and carry her away.

"I'm gonna go with her, you guys keep the audience entertained and tell them that Y/N will be fine." Jihyo said before she rushed after the man.

Backstage, Y/N was laying on the couch, an ice pack on her ankle. She was clearly in pain, but kept telling the managers that she's fine.

After some minutes, a medic came over. She looked at Y/N's ankle and did an examination.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Jihyo asked, crouching down next to Y/N, while stroking her hair.

Y/N gave the act up and nodded, whimpering when the medic pressed down on the ankle.

"It's broken. We'll have to get you to the hospital." The medic said.

A manager took this as the cue to call an ambulance and minutes later, it arrived. Jihyo stayed with Y/N the whole time, telling her that she'll be okay.

Later, at the hospital, the doctor explained to Jihyo, Y/N and Sadness unnie (who also came along) what she'd do to Y/N so her ankle would heal properly.

"Does she need surgery?" Sadness unnie asked.

"No." The doctor said, which made both women breathe out a sigh of relief.

"I'll give you some more pain meds and we'll put your ankle in a cast, okay? It's shouldn't hurt." The doctor assured the young girl, who was laying in the bed, mumbling things to keep herself distracted.

"'kay." Y/N muttered.

A few hours later, Y/N was asleep in her bed in the dorm, snoring and drooling with Sana laying next to her, playing on her phone and making sure that Y/N was fine.

Y/N grumbled something, which got Sana's attention.

"You awake?" The Japanese woman asked, putting her phone down. Y/N hummed before slumping her leg over Sana's body.

"I'm hungry." The makane mumbled, moving even closer to Sana.

"If you want something to eat, you gotta let me go, darling." The older girl chuckled.

"No, comfy." Y/N told her.

"I guess you're gonna have to stay hungry then, hm?" Sana said.

"Nooo." Y/N whined.

"Come on, then." Sana said, before she helped Y/N up, careful not to put any pressure on the injured ankle.

"Looks like someone woke up grumpy." Nayeon said, when she saw Y/N and Sana slowly approaching.

"She's hungry." Sana told the eldest, letting Y/N sit down.

"Seems like she's tired, too." Nayeon said, nodding over to Y/N, whose head was on the table as she snored.

Suddenly, Nayeon and Sana heard someone taking a picture. They turned around and saw Tzuyu standing there, her phone in her hand.

"Blackmail material." The Taiwanese shrugged.


This was very sloppy and bad cause I just got into writing again lmao (requested btw)

Also f bbc, loona will always be 12

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