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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | y/n is not okay

𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | depression

𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 |✓

𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 |✓

𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗹/𝘀 | twice, but mostly jihyo


Y/N laid in her bed, staring at the white wall, while her blanket laid on top of her, covering her from head to toe.

A sudden knock on the door surprised her slightly.

"Hey, dinner's ready. Jihyo wanted me to come and get...." Sana's voice went quiet, when she saw the youngest member laying in her bed.

"Are you asleep?" The Japanese woman asked, entering the room. Y/N closed her eyes, pretending to sleep.

"I guess, I'll just tell Jihyo that you won't join us for dinner today." Sana mumbled to herself, when she saw Y/N's closed eyes.

She quietly left the room, which caused Y/N to open her eyes again and stare at the boring wall.

"Y/N's asleep." Sana said shortly, coming back to the kitchen.

"She's been sleeping a lot recently, hasn't she?" Nayeon said, as she watched Jeongyeon put one plate back into the cupboard.

"She has. It's kind of weird." Jihyo said. She's Y/N's roommate and the fact that the younger girl has been sleeping (or laying in bed) for as long as she could, has been on her mind for a few days, now.

"She's probably just exhausted from all the practicing and stuff." Dahyun said, shrugging. The others agreed, but Jihyo wasn't so sure about that.


After the girls are dinner and washed the dishes, each of them went back to doing their own things.

Jihyo decided to go check on Y/N, as she's been becoming a bit worried.

The leader entered their shared room and saw Y/N still laying in bed. Jihyo quietly closed the door behind herself and walked towards Y/N's bed.

She kneeled down and removed the blanket from Y/N's head. She frowned when she saw dark bags under her eyes and her pale, sunken-in cheeks.

"Hey, are you awake?" Jihyo whispered, caressing Y/N's cheek with her thumb.

Y/N opened her eyes and looked at Jihyo, who smiled sadly.

"You gotta eat something. If Momo didn't eat your dinner, then you can go grab it now." The leader said, brushing a bit of hair from Y/N's face.

"I'm not hungry." Y/N mumbled before she turned around, facing the wall again.

Jihyo sighed and sat down on Y/N's bed.

"I don't know what happened that has brought your mood down, but I miss the bubbly and smiley Y/N, you know?" She said.

Y/N bit down on her lip, muffling the sobs that were about to leave her mouth. Hot tears ran down her delicate cheeks, right onto the white pillow, staining it.

"I've asked you multiple times before and you've always answered with the same words. But this time, I want you to be honest with me, Y/N." Jihyo said, squeezing the said girl's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Y/N stayed quiet, still trying to muffle her sobs, but Jihyo already knew that she was crying.

"I want to be." Y/N answered, her voice breaking at the end, "I want to be okay so badly, but whatever I do...it just- it doesn't get better."

Jihyo's heart broke at the maknae's words. If she would've known that she was struggling so much, she would've talked to her sooner.

"Why didn't you tell me? Or any of us?" She asked softly, wiping the tears that continuously fell from the younger girl's eyes.

"I didn't want to burden you with my problems. We all have to work so hard for ONCE and the company and that's already enough for you guys to worry about." Y/N said, turning, so she laid in bed, facing the leader.

"You're never a burden, Y/N/N. Whatever it is, you can always talk to us about it, okay? And if you're not comfortable with telling us all, you can just tell one member. That's okay, too." Jihyo told her before she lifted Y/N's head to lay it on her thigh.

"Can I talk to you?" Y/N asked quietly.

Jihyo immediately nodded, "Yeah, always. Whatever it is, just tell me."

"For the past few weeks I've just been feeling down. I went to the zoo with Mina unnie, went out for ice cream with Chaeng, ate jokbal with Momoring, but it doesn't get better." Y/N explained, "I just feel like I'm in this...hole that is filled with darkness and sadness and I can't get out of it, whatever I do."

"Well, then I'll help you get out of it." Jihyo told her, which made Y/N cry harder, "I'll throw a ladder down and help you climb it back up."

"But what if the darkness grabs me and pulls me back down?" Y/N whispered, looking at Jihyo with red eyes.

"Then I'll help you fight it off." Jihyo said, smiling softly.

"You promise?" Y/N mumbled, wiping her nose.

"I promise." Jihyo nodded, "Unnie will be here with you every step of the way."

Y/N hugged her leader's waist, unbelievably grateful for her words. Jihyo gently hugged back, already thinking about some places the two could go to. Together.


K so I originally wrote this just to comfort myself but decided to publish it <3 also thanks for 5k reads, really appreciate it.

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