- ɢᴏɴᴇ, ᴘᴛ. ɪɪ

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A few more days have passed. The girls have been taking care of Y/N the best they could, after she had been released from the hospital.

Jihyo had ordered her to lay in bed and not to move a single finger, or she'd be in trouble.

So that's what Y/N's been doing. Laying in bed and getting fed, while the girls cleaned up her wounds every now and then.

Because Y/N's been literally kidnapped, she was also quite traumatized. She tried to hide her nightmares, but it eventually became obvious that she hadn't gotten much sleep, because of the bags under her eyes.

Naturally, the girls got a bit confused. Y/N was laying in bed the whole time, she could sleep whenever she wanted, so why did she get bags?

But that mystery was solved when Dahyun woke up at night due to Y/N's whimpers.

At first she was a bit scared, but when she looked over to Y/N's bed and saw her thrashing around in bed, she knew what was up.

"Y/N/N, wake up. You're having a nightmare." Dahyun said, trying to be as quiet as possible, so she wouldn't wake up Chaeyoung and Tzuyu who were still sleeping peacefully.

Dahyun shook the younger girl a bit, hoping it'd wake her up. And it did. Y/N woke up with a gasp, a thin layer of sweat was covering her forehead and her eyes were wide open.

"It's okay, it was just a nightmare." Dahyun assured, softly smiling at the maknae.

She got surprised when Y/N threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly. But she hugged her back, showing her that she was safe.

"Are you okay?" The eagle asked, after hugging Y/N for a few minutes.

"Yeah." Y/N whispered.

"You wanna go back to sleep?" Dahyun asked, letting her go.

"Can you sleep in my bed? I don't wanna be alone." Y/N asked, which made the older girl smile widely.

"Of course." Dahyun crawled into the bed and covered herself and Y/N with the blanket.

"You know, you gotta tell the others about the nightmares. They're getting worried." She said, as she got comfy.

"But they're gonna be even more protective if I tell them." Y/N argued quietly.

"It's not healthy if you continue this. You're getting like three hours of sleep a night." Dahyun told her.

"When I was still in highschool, I got three hours of sleep every night and I was perfectly fine." Y/N grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Shut up and go to sleep." Dahyun said, poking Y/N's forehead.

The next day, when Jihyo went around to wake the girls, she found the two sleeping together.

At first, she found the sight cute, but then she remembered that something must've happened, because Y/N only sleeps with someone else to feel comfortable and/or safe.

"Wake up, you two. Breakfast's ready." She said, shaking her thoughts off.

After a bit of a struggle, she got the two and they went to breakfast. Y/N got breakfast in bed, because Jihyo was still not allowing her to move.

After breakfast, Dahyun came back to the room and sat down next to Y/N.

"I'm gonna tell them about last night." She said.

"What? Why? It's nothing that they have to worry about." Y/N said.

"Y/N, listen to me. You've been kidnapped a few days ago. That's not something that happens everyday. Of course you're gonna be traumatized and have nightmares, but that's okay. They're gonna understand." Dahyun told her.

"What's going on here? I heard yelling?" Jeongyeon asked, standing at the door.


"So, why have we gathered here?" Momo asked for the second time.

"Because Y/N's got something to tell you all." Dahyun said, motioning to Y/N, who quietly played with her fingers.

"Go on." Mina told her quietly.

"I've been having nightmares." Y/N mumbled.

"A bit louder." Dahyun said.

"I've been having nightmares." Y/N said, louder this time.

"Is that why you haven't been getting a lot of sleep?" Sana asked, pouting when Y/N nodded.

"We're glad that you're honest and told us that, but for us being able to help and understand you, you'll have to tell us what happened." Jihyo said, after a short pause.

Y/N looked down and flinched slightly when a hand settled on her back.

"We're here, now. Everything that has happened is in the past." Nayeon said, her hand wandering up to Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N continued staying quiet, thinking about how she'd tell her members what had happened.

"I walked down the street and then his car pulled up next to me." She started, "I felt a bit creeped out, especially after he got out of the car, so I walked a bit faster, hoping I'd get to the store. I heard his footsteps behind me and then I felt his arms. He held some kind of cloth on my mouth and then I fell asleep."

"You're doing great." Nayeon assured her, when she stopped speaking.

"I woke up in this old, abandoned building and saw him in front of me. My body was sore and I tried to get away from him. After a few minutes, he left and came back with a syringe that was filled with some blue liquid." Y/N said, as tears build up in her eyes.

"I tried to get up, but he grabbed my leg and I fell and then he injected this stuff into me. I just remember my body hurting and then I fell asleep again."

"I don't know when, but when I woke up again, I didn't see him. I ignored the pain and got up, but he heard me and grabbed me again. After that, he tied my arms and legs together so I wouldn't have chance to escape. He said as a punishment, he would beat me up, so I wouldn't make the same mistake again."

Y/N tried not to break down sobbing in front of her members as she continued to tell them what happened.

"He said that he kidnapped me, because he felt alone and wanted a friend, but after he realized that I was an idol, he said that he never wanted to let me go."

"One time, he left, saying that he was gonna buy groceries, so I tried to escape again. I bit through the tape that he put around my wrists and freed my legs. I got out of the back door, but I saw him walking towards me, so I quickly closed it again and rushed to the front door. I saw that his car was open and his keys were inside, and even though I don't have a driver's license, I wanted to drive away."

Jihyo raised an eyebrow at the information.

"But he saw that I was gone and he heard the engine, so he rushed out and saw me. I tried to drive away, but he was quicker and managed to open the door and drag me back into the house."

"He kept me there for the next few days and beat me up every now and then, hoping that it would tire me out and I wouldn't be able to escape again."

"And then you guys came." Y/N said, finishing the story.

Tears were streaming down her face as she looked up. Most of the members were crying, too, while the others looked at Y/N, angry at themselves that they didn't get to her earlier.

Surprisingly, Tzuyu was the first one to gently hug Y/N. But she was quickly followed by the others.

The held each other, glad that this madness was over and that they had their youngest member back, safe and sound.

"We're never letting you out alone again. Never." Jeongyeon said.

"That's fine by me." Y/N answered, enjoying the warmth and comfort her members were giving her.


Finished it quicker than I thought. Hope you gay- guys liked it :)

Also be prepared for another week or two with no updates lol

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