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Chapter 421 Gatekeeper (2)

Do you know your mistakes now?

Shuddering all over, Wang Xiaopeng was acting exactly like his old man and lowered his head with unease plastered all over his existence: I I know my wrong.

Its good that you know your mistake. Indifferent in his old face, the seniors voice sounded faint and calm, yet the words were piercingly sharp: If the same mistake is made again in the future, I will forever oust you from the Wang familys lineage book!

Because of how the chubby was acting, totally different from his lively self from the past, Bai Xiachens heart definitely didnt take it well. Its painful and making him uncomfortable.

Xiaopeng. Pursing his lip, the baby boy attempts to comfort his friend by patting the chubbys shoulder.

Father, we are only allowing Second Brothers family to return, why is there an unfamiliar woman and a strange child as well? What, does he intend to bring in strangers too? The shady voice originated from the middle-aged man next to the senior.

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Naturally Wang Deqiu wouldnt be new to this sort of treatment because it was this very bastard and his group who set him and his son up back then.

New and old hatred collide, his eyes instantly went red while those teethes gnashed together in anger: Old Three, its been a while!

Sneering with irony in his voice, this third son of the current chief was called Wang Deyi. Second Brother, dont tell me this woman is your.

Little lover?

But before the last part of that sentence could finish, Wang Deqiu had already roared out to cut this menace off.

Keep that tongue of yours clean, Miss Bai Yan here is not someone you can offend. If not for her, our Wang family wouldnt have even gotten our hands on so much high-quality Dan pills!

Sure enough, that outcry instantly causes the third brother to stumble in his next remark. Those eyes were clearly filled with disbelief.

Its not that Wang Deyi didnt know his second brother was being supplied by a woman, just that he never expected the alchemist to be such a young looking one. Based on his speculation, this lady should be no older than twenty years of age.

Deqiu, she is that Bai Yan mentioned in your letters? Glistening a faint spark in his old eyes, the elder began examining Bai Yan with sharpness in his gaze.

With his many years of experience, the current chief of the Wang family should be able to see through to a persons strength using only a glance. But right now, he was shocked and petrified to find that he couldnt.

Thats right, she is the one from the letters I sent, and this is here is her son Bai Xiachen. It was thanks to my sons good eyesight that we were able to befriend Miss Bai Yan and her son. When saying this, Wang Deqius smile was undoubtedly smug and filled with pride.

Didnt all of you often look down at my son? Say hes fat and stupidly untalented? Look now, see whose eyesight is better! Hes able to befriend such amazing people so stuff it!

Dont assume just because this father would often berate and beat his chubby son that he wouldnt care, in fact, he cared greatly. Take the insults for example. If it was anyone aside from himself, Wang Deqiu would fight the foe to the end just to get even!

So already with a son From those insidious eyes of his, Wang Deyi (Third) revealed a touch of disappointment because he definitely had ulterior motives when hearing Bai Yan was a powerful alchemist.