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Chapter 430 Adorable Little Lamb (4)

Oh, I spent it all. Rubbing his nose shamelessly, Wang Deqius façade was so infuriating that it was enough to make his younger brother want to smack it to vent the steam.

Alright! Filled with bitterness in that voice, Wang Deyi (Three) grew vicious in his eyes, I hope you wont regret this in the future!

Just wait, in a few days and it will be Fathers birthday. By then the elder from the Medicine Sect will be here also. Once the deed is done, its just a matter of fact that the tide will on our side!

Taking in a deep breath, the man urges his girl to go forward, Daughter, go apologize.

Papa Popping her little eyes, the little girl exclaims with astonishment in her voice like she couldnt believe this.

Apologize! Repeating the order, Wang Deyi clearly sounded impatient now.

Slowly coming before the baby tiger, the girls disgust couldnt be anymore obvious. Nevertheless, she slowly said the important bit as told: Im sorry

Weve apologized. Daughter, were leaving. Holding his daughters hand, the third son of this family wasted no time to depart from this unwelcoming place.

But before the pair did so though, Wang Qinger didnt forget to shoot one final glance at Bai Xiachen who was standing next to the tiger.

Why is such a good-looking younger brother raising such a nasty beast?

Then as if that wasnt enough, an extreme level of jealousy had surfaced from the girls eye when Wang Xiaoton (chubbys sister) gleefully toddled over to the boys side.

Papa Biting her lips in grievance, the little girl goes all red in the eyes like shes about to cry, Im sad.

Dont worry my daughter. It wont be long, only a few more days before Father can help you return this favor.

Then can I marry that pretty little brother when we do?

Wang Deyi was really stunned. Stopping in his footsteps, he frowns: The boy is not worthy of you with his background.

Now that was the wrong answer here because the girl could no longer control her tears as it came streaming down like a waterfall.

Understanding hes said the wrong wording there, the ignorant man immediately changes his tune to suit his need: Okay, dont cry my daughter. You can marry that boy if you like. After your big uncle becomes the next chief of our family, no can disobey us again.

Thank you, Papa. Breaking out into a smile, Wang Qinger squeamishly replies like an embarrassed lady confessing her heart to a parent.

If Wang Xiaotong that lowly wench can get close to him then why cant I? Papas said it before. If I want to marry someone then no one can deny me it!

But how could a simple girl thats so young understand whats going on? Theres no way Wang Deyi would wed his daughter to a nobody. In fact, that dangerous glint of frost in his iris said it all – he intends to kill them.

My daughter must be wed to a member of either three major powers. What qualifications does an unknown wild child have to take my Qinger?

In a blink of an eye, over half a month had passed since they first arrived at this Fairy City.

Perhaps its due to the promise she made, but Bai Yan never once got involved with matter of the Dragon Fruit since that day, nor did she ask about her sons constant outings in the morning.

This was her way of showing she trusts him, her one and only sons capability.

On the contrary though, the two scheming brothers of the Wang family was growing increasingly annoyed in the past two days as the birthday drew near. Theyve constantly tried to negotiate the purchase of the fruit, yet the An familys response was to deny the request and even turned them away at the front gate so how could they not be anxious?