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Chapter 495 You Two Are My Happines

Mistress, hurry and wake up. An anxious cry echoes beside Bai Yans ear.

Its unsure when, but by the time she opened her eyes trickles of tears have already soaked up the pillow underneath herself. As for the scene from that dream, it continues to vividly replay itself like a stinging heartache, refusing to leave her mind.

Stupid Little Rice, you made Mother cry! Puffing up his cheeks like a steaming little bun, Bai Xiachen hurries to help wipe those tears away: Mother dont cry, otherwise I will cry too

Bai Yan would always and forever hold her son in high regards, but right now, instead of looking to the boy whos trying to get her attention, the womans gaze only had the baby tiger in sight.

Just now. did you make a contract with me?

Making a weak nod, Little Rice meekly answers with guilt in his voice: Mistress, I am wrong If you want, you can hit me but please forgive me

Then before the furball could finish that apology, the woman has already pulled him in for a tight embrace. Those arms were rough and hard, borderline suffocating even. Even so, Little Rice didnt dare to move. He could see the pain in his mistresss eyes.

Little Rice, her voice shaky still from the dream, I wont let anyone harm you again. If they do, I will tear them apart from limb to limb!

Mistress? Blinking with confusion in his eyes, the little furball clearly didnt understand whats going on.

Whats going on with Mistress lately?

Normally this would be a heart-warming scene; however, Bai Xiachen on the other hand only showed sadness on his cute little face. Will Mother not love only me in the future? Im so sad. Oh what am I supposed to do?

For the longest time, Bai Yan refuses to let go and even pulled her son into an embrace. Together, all three of them, they cuddled for warmth like one big happy family.

This undoubtedly delighted the baby boy. From a sorrowful rainy expression, Bai Xiachen was now looking all bright and dandy. In fact, the changes were so fast and apparent that even Little Rice had become astounded by the face change.

Son, my precious little baby, you are my most important treasure in life. I was just thinking earlier if I were to have a son in my past life then it would have to be you as well.

The boy didnt answer right away, rather he inched closer against Bai Yans chest to take a deep sniff of her bodily aroma. Its as if the very scent could calm his heart.

I will always be Mothers most precious son. Whether it be this life, the last, and the future!

Startled there for a second, Bai Yan honestly didnt think her boy could say something so wonderful at his age. Taking the two up to her face, she gives them both a peck on the forehead and then closed her eyes.

Her heart still aches from that scene and battlefield, but at the very least she now has these two precious fellas by her side.

Mother, I cant breathhh~ The Little Steambun pleads, bringing the womans focus back to reality.

Mother A little flushed in the face, the baby boy eyes her with worry: Did something happen?

Slowly shaking her head, Bai Yans voice was soft and gentle: Its nothing, Im just feeling moved at having you two around.

She did have a family back in her previous world, but that sort of family was equivalent to not having one. But now, she could truly say happiness has found her.