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Chapter 424 To Love is to Hate (2)

I heard that the people from the An House has taken the Dragon Fruit hasnt they? If I buy it off them and deliver it to the Medicine Sect, who do you think would win in the end Old Three? I refuse to believe Father would still insist on passing the title of Chief to Old Two by then.

Medicine Sect? You mean that mega power thats on equal grounds with the Misty Fairy House? The excitement could not be contained within Wang Deyis heart as it made him shudder all over at the wondrous news.

He simply never imagined his eldest brother here would get in line with another major power when their family was already working under another one.

Thats right. Raising a smirk in his cheeky face, Wang Deyuan (First) spells out his plan: There will be an elder from the Medicine Sect coming to attend Fathers birthday in a few days. I need that Dragon Fruit so go make contact with the An family. It will be our trump card to end this trivial fight.

But Big Brother, why must we go through such trouble? Couldnt we just threaten the An family and force them to hand it over?

Shaking his head, Wang Deyuan seems disappointed by his third brothers short sightedness: Because I cant have our father learning of this. Whether it be by force or by payment, everything must be done under the table and out of sight. Otherwise, Father would surely snatch the Dragon Fruit away from our hands when he learns of it.

Now Wang Deyi (Third) finally understood: You are truly a genius Big Brother. Compared to you, Old Two doesnt stand a chance.

Not to mention that bastard Wang Deqiu also has a son who likes to make troubles

If you got nothing else to say then take your leave. I want to know everything about that woman who came with Old Two. Remember, if anything happens, even the slightest, you must come back and report it to me.

Then what about Wang Xiaopang? Asked Wang Deyi.

Nothing but a useless garbage, no need to waste manpower over that brat. He cant raise any storms by himself.

Yes, yes, I understand Big Brother.

But just when Wang Deyi wanted to turn away to leave, thats when he recalled that strange kid that came with his nephew. For some reason, hes got a ominous feeling about the boy and that gaze he saw. Its too cold and too dangerous. Sadly, his moment of hesitation had cost him here because Wang Deyuan have already returned to his book.

This should be fine, still just a child. If we dont need to keep tabs on Wang Xiaopeng then there shouldnt be any reason to monitor a strangers kid. Yes, I must be overthinking this.

Calming his poor heart, this youngest brother of the Wang House his worry away and went ahead, all the while not forgetting to close the door behind himself when departing.

For a settlement thats not a major hub of a kingdom, the streets of this Fairy City were surprisingly busy, more so than even the capital of the Liu Huo Kingdom.

Just that, its unsure when, but the bustling crowds have all quieted for some reason..

To be more accurately speaking though, these people werent mutes, theyre just too attracted by that little steambun currently walking down the middle of the street.

For one, theyve never seen such a cute boy in all their life. To say the child was carved entirely out of a precious jade stone was no understatement, that just goes to show how adorable he was!

Boss. Though the gazes werent directed at him specifically, still, Wang Xiaopeng was having trouble adjusting to this level of attention. Didnt Sister Bai Yan have us go rest? Wouldnt it be bad for us to quietly sneak out on our own?