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Chapter 492 Wargod White Tiger (3)

Xiaoyun (cousin) is right, we need to be consistent in facing the outsiders so that Sister-in-law doesnt get stolen away, the demon princess notes.

Thats right, we should go now. I know where Bai Yan is right now so lets find her right away.

Stomping forward in heavy strides, Chu Yi Yi had on the appearance of a fighter ready to go at it with the ring of the bell. And because of her identity as the princess of the Holy Land, her passage was unimpeded at every turn.

Just that Perhaps its Lan Xiaoyuns own misconception or what, but whenever a member of the Medicine Sect learns of this girls identity, they would all flee at the name in fear instead of awe and reverence like most would often do when confronted with someone of such background.

It cant be, did she do something so indecent that everyones running away from her? Like stealing a virgin maidens chastity? Or doing something indecently sadistic to a man?Otherwise, why would the male flee in her present and the female tremble in fear as soon as they hear her name?

At the moment, Chu Yi Yi was so clueless to the changing opinions of her two friends – and everyone elses for that matter – that she could hardly see the issue.

Back over in a certain room, Bai Yan was currently having a peaceful sleep as the suns ray illuminated her fine delicate skin. But shes not alone though, Di Cang was also present there sitting by her bed. The mans enjoying the picturesque scene like he couldnt get enough of it.

But then, from within the same bed, a certain baby white tiger just had to roll around to land his dirty little paws onto the sleeping womans breast!

Without surprise, the mans complexion instantly went dark at the sight. Not saying a word, he immediately makes a grab for the insufferable cats tail and shook the rascal awake.

Poor Little Rice. He didnt even know what was going on when he opened his slumbering eyes. But when he did, hoho, his entire fur had risen up in shock over the mans face. If not for his strong enduring will, the poor fella wouldve fainted over in that split second.

Whoo-whoo, I didnt do anything, why is he glaring at me like that?

Not giving any attention to the little thing, Di Cang stoutly dragged his captive out the door and tossed him to the ground. How many years have you been with her?

Though the mans voice was as low as a whisper, it still rocked Little Rices ear till its a rolling drum. Five five years

Five years? Why didnt you contract with her? The man lightly furrows his brow in light of the lack of emotion.

Thats its because Mistress wont let me, crying in grievance, Its not like I didnt want to, but Mistress is worried I would die as well if she passes away.

If contracted, the familiar themselves would also perish if the master passes away, thats one of the drawbacks of such a ritual.

You must contract with her, the mans tone sounded unquestionably determined.

Why why? Staring up at the man in confusion, Little Rice just didnt understand why hes so afraid of the person to the point where hes shivering all over.

Last night State Teacher sent me a letter. He said you must contract with her. Raising a grin, Di Cangs cool tone demand absolute obedience: As for how you would do it, figure it out yourself. When I return I want to see results.

King, umm Little Masters been wanting to know about what youve been doing lately. He didnt ask because he didnt know how, so

Tell him Ive been making preparations for their entry into the Demon Realm. So, I wont be able to accompany them during this period. Squinting his eyes then, Di Cang releases a cold glint of threatening intent: And if anyone dares to make trouble for them, you can directly eliminate them in my stead.