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Chapter 498 Scared to the Point of Being Unable to Walk (1)

As it so happens, Di Xiao Wan and the others came exactly at the perfect timing to hear whats coming up next.

Miss Bai Yan, Ye Mings face ghastly face endured and pushed onward with his impudence, Bai Zhanpeng has no son so its just a matter of time before I inherit the Medicine Sect since Im their closest relative. Moreover, I also have good relationships with some of the inner disciples of the Holy Land. If you dare offend me then I will have you be unable to stay within your sect!

Bai Yan almost wanted to snarl at that claim. Shifting her gaze first to Chu Yi Yi who was coming very close now, her smile banters at the fool: Oh, so you have connections with the Holy Land as well eh?

Thats right, I do! Gnashing his teeth in secret, Ye Ming confronts the womans gaze: I dont mind telling you this secret. My grandmother said it already, its just a matter of time before the Princess of the Holy Land becomes my future wife. By then I wont just be the master of the Medicine Sect, I will also be the son-in-law of the Holy Land. Nothing good will come your way for crossing me.

Damn it, if not for the lack of guards around here then I wouldnt even bother wasting so much words with this bitch!

The mans argument may sound nice and tempting to a clueless outsider, but if anyone from the Medicine Sect were to hear of this, they would undoubtedly be the first to knock this impudent bastard out before Bai Yan could. Its well known this Ye Ming was a total parasite thats despised by almost the entirety of the upper echelon within this great sect, thats why he would only say this without anyone able to pass on the word. After all, a fool still has a bit of brain left in him, hes not crazy enough to let his uncle Bai Zhanpeng learn of the fact.

Just as Ye Mings self-confidence was bursting to a new high, a rushing figure had come speeding over to send a mega kick right into the mans back. As a result, the former didnt even realize what was happening and was sent crashing into the nearby wall, leaving his face bruised and bleeding from the impact.

Young Master! The Ye family guards all exclaimed as they hurried to help the injured man up.

Bitch, how dare you sneak attack me from behind? A venomous glow seeps out of Ye Mings iris as he glared at the perpetrator.

Chu Yi Yi on the other hand could care less. Cocking her chin high, she gazes down at the buffoon in contempt: Im not just going to hit you, Im also going to neuter you!

Who the hell are you? I am the future heir to the Medicine Sect, how dare you hit me? Didnt your elders not teach you about not offending those whom you cant handle?! Ye Ming tightly clenches his fist.

A single Bai Yan is already bad enough. I couldnt do anything because of her strength, but now this one too? Who does she think she is?!

it was then that a faint voice creeped up from behind: Wait, I want to say something first.

Ye Ming originally wanted to swing around to yell insults at the annoyance, but that bravado fire quickly changed to a cowardly whimper after connecting with Bai Yans frightening cold gaze.

Hmm, caressing her chin, the woman puts on a playful tone then. Didnt you just say you are her fiancé? Why is a fiancé not able to recognize his own fiancée?

What nonsense are you talking about? How could I be this brutish creatures fiancé? I am going to be

The snarl from the mans mouth didnt even make it through before the horrific revelation hit him. Suddenly, intense shock and disbelief came erupting out of those eyes.

You you are her? The Princess of the Holy Land? Impossible, you are lying! I dont believe it! His face went from blue to white, then back from white to red.