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Chapter 436 Elder of the medicine Sect (2)

Uncle, tightly pulling against An Zhen Nings hand, the peachy boy revealed a touch of rosy anger from his face as he made his case, These people are too horrible, can you go help my friend?

Xiang Ran, this is related to the Medicine Sect though The man clearly sounded hesitant.

Unlike the Wang House who has the Misty Fairy House backing them from behind, their An House might not be able to bear the consequences if they do offend such a power. Thats why hes not stepping in.

I dont care, you have to help Xiachen and his mother. If you dont help them, then-then I will Giving a thorough stomp of his feet, An Xiang Ran makes his final move, I will leave home and never return.

Towards his nephews unreasonable demand, An Zhen Ning could only make a helpless smile, Thats what happens when this little guy is his brothers only son and the old pops precious little sweet boy.

But just as this man wanted to speak out to intervene, the reddish figure standing in the middle of the encirclement had made her move first. With one quick leap, Bai Yan was now floating in the air!

I originally didnt want to make things too difficult for the Wang House because of Xiaopengs relationship, but you people simply wouldnt let us go.

Almost immediately after that statement, a deafening roar of a dragon had come swooping over from the distance, followed closely by a ginormous shadow darting to their location and blocking off the sun in the process.

Glass Dragon, kill any who dares to block our path! Landing firmly onto the creatures back, Bai Yan issues out this order like a king, a truly ruler of this world.

Dra-Dragon Wang Deyi was deathly pale from the shock.

How can this be! Dragons have long gone extinct a thousand years ago, why does she have a dragon as a ride?

This is not possible!

Of course, its not just this scoundrel thinking this. Its been a millennium since dragons have appeared before the mundane in this world. To witness one in real life was equivalent to witnessing a god, a surreal creature of legend.

Thats why when news broke out of Bai Xiachen becoming the master of this Glass Dragon, most have already gotten wind of this, the one exception being Fairy City.

In the minds of these people, they only have the Misty Fairy House in their eyes. As to what occurs in the outside world, its unimportant, making them relatively closed off if not for the occasional visitors from the other two major sects.

Then just as everyone was in awe over the serpent flying in the air, a majestic voice untimely interjects itself: It seems I came at the wrong time. Should I leave and return after the Wang family finishes with their affairs?

This voice may sound unfamiliar to all the rest, but Wang Deyuan and Wang Deyi definitely recognizes it. Just like how they foretold, an elder in white soon appeared from the gloomy clouds, issuing out a ray of hope for these two brothers.

Elder Zeng, you came just in time, the scoundrel didnt forget to shoot a venomous glare over to Bai Yans location, This woman took away the Dragon Fruit we prepared for you. If your prestigious self came any later then it wouldve been too late.

Chapter 437 Elder of the Medicine Sect (3)

In response to that claim, a slight frown was made by the elder as he shifted his attention over to the specified woman. Fortunately, thats all he did for now until an exclaiming cry from below caught his ears.