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Chapter 486 Earth Shattering Triple Three (1)

Within the inner courtyard, Ceo Wang was currently pacing back and forth in front of Bai Zhanpengs room, his gaze constantly looking to the front at times.

I must let the young lord know about what happened. Its such a big deal for something like that.

Then just as the old senior was thinking this, the guard instructed to go inside had returned.

What about the Young Lord say? Ceo Wang asks, eyes waiting in anticipation for the answer.

Elder, please go back. The Young Lord is currently in a meeting about something important with the other elders. Im afraid he doesnt have time to see you.


Ceo Wangs brow furrowed hard: What could be more important than the alchemy convention right now?

This I am not very clear on this either, just that I overheard the Young Lord mentioning something about her ladyship. I speculate its likely related to the Miss.

Although Ceo Wang claimed Ye Ying would become Bai Zhanpengs goddaughter, but thats never been announced yet. Therefore, the only one that could fit into the title of Miss could be none other than one person.

Jerking hard in the heart, the seniors eye instantly revealed a glimmer of excitement: Really? The meeting is really about the Young Miss? Can it be, shes alive still?

Thats too great

Its really too great!

But then, a familiar face suddenly squirmed its way into the old seniors head, startling him in the process.

Hold on!

The woman with the surname of Bai. Why does she look so familiar to the Young Miss?

Back when Bai Ning disappeared years ago, Ceo Wang still hasnt gotten to his current status as an elder yet. Therefore, his impression of the lady remains thin and hard to recall, hence the reason why it took him so long to pull this sort of connections together. But now that hes heard of the guards word, not even his old head would be so dunt to miss the resemblance.


This must be a coincidence!

Comforting himself until his hearts at ease, the ignorant old fool deliberately presses down his own doubt in fear of the truth. As a result, this also led him to miss the last chance he has for redemption.

When will the young master come out? Ceo Wang asks, his brow frowning hard still.

Shaking his head, the guard appeared unsure: Elder, Im sorry but you will have to wait. Im afraid the young master intends to take at least several days at the minimum before finishing his meeting. If theres anything you need, you can go seek the sect leader instead.

Towards that suggestion, the senior only showed a bitter smile. Do I need you to tell me something like that? The Lord isnt as good tempered as his son. If he learns of me nearly expelling the representative of the Holy Land then he would surely flay me alive!

At the same time over at the old lords residence, Bai Chang Feng was currently roaring out in anger, his voice so loud that its heard even from afar.

Where did that blasted kid Bai Zhanpeng go? When will my granddaughter come home?! I want answers damn it!

Towards the long blast of interrogating words, Elder Gu had nothing to say aside from lowering his head.

If his lordship were to know Bai Yan and her son was already here and that Young Master didnt tell him Oh why me! The consequences would be apocalyptic!