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Chapter 453 Medicine Sect (4)

Compared with his father who hailed from the Medicine Sect, Bai Zhanpengs mother only came from a normal household. But due to her outstanding ability, the pair eventually managed to overcome all the odds and got together. A true love story of heart and tears.

But when two families of unequal standings get together, theres bound to be a unbalance of power. Thats why the late mistress of the great Medicine Sect would go to such extreme means of requesting the husband to take care of her maiden family – they are average and without power.

Zhanpeng ah, I know its because you think Yinger is too outstanding, thats why you would say such things. If you dont want to recognize her as your goddaughter then thats fine, I still have my grandson Minger. Though the child is a bit untamed, but hes a very filial boy. Unable to take a hint in his nephews ridicule, the old granny continues on with her irritating rant, In any case, you have no children anyways and I doubt you will ever find a partner with your ways. If we are going to let the Medicine Sect fall into the hands of an outsider then it would be better to let my Minger inherit it. Dont worry, I can guarantee he will be a great lord and see to it that you be greatly cared for.

As her words dragged on, the dastardlier it became where its already considered treasonous at this point.

Unable to take it anymore Bai Chang Feng finally snapped and smashed the teacup on the table: When have my position ever become something to be connived after by the likes of you? Dont think my patience has no limit. No matter how much I love your late sister, I will not permit others to have such thoughts while in my presence. If you test me again, even once, I will toss you out of my home!

Brother-in-law! Old Madam Yes expression also darkens as a result, I am only doing this for your sake! When you and Zhanpeng is gone after growing old, who will look after this place? Im only offering you a solution by letting Minger help. Now you are turning my goodwill into an act of evil, talk about repaying a good deed with a bad one!

In a fit of rage, the old shrew stamps her feet and turned away for the outside, all the while showing that twisted face of hers.

Damn you Li Jing!

If you had agreed to let your bitch of a daughter (Bai Ning) marry my son years ago then none of this would be happening. So what if no one else would admit it. Bai Ning that little bitch has already disappeared for nearly twenty years, she mustve died somewhere in the wild already. I cant let things continue like this. Brother-in-law is starting to distance himself from my family with each passing day. If the situation persists, it will just be a matter of time before my grandchildren and I get expelled from this place. I must make Zhanpeng take Minger as his son!

Flickering a flash of sinisterly intent from her iris. Old Madam Ye picks up her pace for the intended destination.

Zhanpeng, maybe I will really have to forsake your mothers dying wish one day. Even after the shrew left, the old grandpas complexion remains as bad as it could be based on how heavy his breath was wheezing.

Pained by his fathers guiltiness, the son here hurried to help sooth the seniors back: Oh Father, there are things one cant do. As long a you know youve done your greatest then theres nothing to fret. Over the years anyone can see the level of indulgence you instilled upon the Ye family. If If Mother knows what youve done for them in the heavens, then then Im sure she wouldnt blame you either when you make the final decision!

I can only hope, I can only hope my son. Heaving a long sigh, Im tired, leave me and let me rest. When the time is right, dont forget to bring that girl to me.

Yes Father, I promise you. Giving his old man an affirmative nod, Bai Zhanpeng promptly left to carry out his plan.

Now, alone again and with a peace of mind, Bai Chang Feng then slowly strolled over to a closet where a precious portrait has been stored. Opening it, what came into view was a warm woman gently smiling back at him, raising the trickles of tears inside the heartbroken man.

Chapter 454 Are You Going to Scram or What? (1)

Jinger, I have treated the Ye family well as you wished, but now they are getting ideas about our son Choking at his own emotions, the grandpa needed a moment before continuing, If you were still alive, you wouldnt want to see such an outcome, would you?

Touching the womans face in that portrait, Bai Chang Fengs gaze exuded the sense of love found only in those who truly knew what it means: So, when I can no longer endure after they crossed my limit, I hope you wont blame me if I did something to hurt them.

Why is the world so cruel. Jinger is such an outstanding woman, how can a family like that produce someone so great.

Heaving long regretful sigh, the grandpa then thought of the good news to tell his wife: Also, I got something wonderful to tell you my dear. Our son has found our granddaughter, she is our daughters child. Please bless her. If it turns out to be true, then maybe, maybe Ninger could be alive in this world as well.

If this is the case then my Medicine Sect wont have to be afraid of not having a successor anymore. As for Zhanpeng. Making another sigh at the thought, His heart has never been focused in that direction. With my age, I fear that day wont come even after I am gone.

While the father and son were preparing to carry out their plans, something else was happening not so far away at a particular inn.

Brilliant, seductive, the mans very existence demanded attention as soon as he stepped through the main door, which immediately left the occupants inside gasping from astonishment.

However, this was not the feministic kind that one would want to trifle with. This entity radiated the image of a king. In fact, it was so omnipotent that the very aura alone could suffocate their lungs if they werent careful.

Finally, after a long minute of drooling awes from the masses, someone did eventually come back to their senses and whispered to their peers: This man is so beautiful yet his aura is so scary. I doubt any woman in this world could ever tame such a wild horse.

That may not be, I think the Medicine Sects Ye Ying would have that ability. First lets not mention the girls skill, the fact that I heard the young lord intends to take her as a goddaughter is enough to put her into that position.

Really? In the past Ye Ying can only be considered at most a distant relative. If it does come to past then the girl would become a genuine young lady of the Medicine Sect, a shining jewel.

Meanwhile upstairs on the second floor of this inn, a woman dressed in a light green dress was currently looking down at whats occuring below: Uncle Chung, whats your opinion of that mans strength?

The one known as Ye Chung remains silent for a while: It is unfathomable.


Gently tapping the table, a faint smirk escapes the girl in green: Grandma wants my brother to become the heir of the Medicine Sect, but with his sort of personality, it will only just be a matter of time before he destroys it with his philandering. Shame Im a girl, otherwise I could do it instead. But my granduncle would never agree to it, nor would my grandmother.

Miss, your meaning is? The elder asks, unsure what to make of the girls sudden frankness.

What if I found a powerful husband? That man down there, didnt you say his strength is very good? I can set him as my target.

Miss, you are too impulsive, shaking his old head, do you know anything about his background? What if hes already with a wife and child? How could we allow you to become someones concubine considering your status? And even if he is exceptionally strong, his background is not qualified to be your husband.