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Chapter 480 She is the Disciple of the Holy Land (3)

If Bai Zhanpeng didnt know I was a member of the Holy Land then this is all justifiable

Yan Yan, did I do something wrong? Blinking his eyes, Wen Ru asks in an innocent tone.

Its all right, Im merely caught off guard that I had another invite slip. No matter though. Showing a cold smile, Bai Yan gives it a second before continuing, Even if they sent me more of this, Im already past it and would rather leave.

As soon as her words came out, she was already walking forward again with her son. The voice faint and uninterested: Wen Ru, lets go.

Befuddled by the strangeness, the youngster hurried to catch up: Did someone bully you and XIachen? If so then tell me, I will beat them up for you!

No need, someone else will naturally come settle the bill once they learned of me being unable to attend. Showing a grin, Bai Yan dismisses the offer and continued onward.

For so many years her shifus had waited for this day, the day where she would make a blockbustering entrance into the alchemic world. If they were to find out about this event and of how she wasnt allowed to enter, its almost a certainty they would create a big fuss. In fact, she could already imagine the explosive scene.

Hold it! Just as Bai Yan was about to leave, a cold hollering voice stops her from behind, Miss, you cant go!

Is there something?

You coming without an invitation is our Medicine Sects fault, but you must stay behind to help with our investigation regardless! Elder Ceo Wangs attitude was stern and unyielding, evident of how serious he was about all this.

Did you not hear? I have two invitations.

Hoho, the senior dismisses the idea with a laugh, How could that be. Theres no way we would make such a mistake. Miss, I hope you.

Before his last words could even finish, the target of his restriction has already pulled out an invitation from her pocket as well as the one from Wen Ru.

Im returning your invite slips. Son, lets go home before these people get annoying.

At the same time, two perfectly fine flat objects were thrown in front of his face, the golden glinted words burning the elders eye in doing so. For that split second, his breathing literally stopped as his heart pounded away.

Ceo Wang could see it clearly, theres no illusion. One was just an ordinary invite slip they sent to the regular powers, but the second one that was pulled out of the womans pocket had the words of Holy directly imprinted on the surface!

Holy Land

The Holy word represented the Holy Land. As one of the main elders within the Medicine Sect, theres no way he wouldnt know what this represented. Just that in the past theyve never once sent a participant over, hence the reason his head never moved towards that direction.

Why the sudden change and why a young disciple at that?

Elder Ceo Wang? Noticing the panic in the seniors eye, Ye Ying bites down on her own lips and asked, What happened?

Oh crap! At this time the senior could care less what Ye Ying wanted. Seeing how Bai Yan and her sons about to leave, he promptly picked up the invite slips and made a hard dash at the two.

Miss, please wait!

Stopping for a second time, Bai Yans tone grew impatient and irritated: Ive already returned the invite slips, what else do you want?