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Chapter 447 Picked Up a Teenager (3)

The giant eagle really was scared now. Though the kids threat was childish and enough to make him twitch all over due to the ridiculousness of it all, hes still only just a small-timer in the eyes of these people.

Lets go, pulling her sons hand along, Bai Yan didnt forget to pick up the baby tiger with her other hand before jumping up the dragons back, Shifu, come quickly, if we are late then Di Cang is going to catch up to us.

Uhh, YES, IM COMING! Without a second thought, Ren Yi instantly faded from his spot and reappeared on the dragons back as well.

Just like that, one woman, two troublesome fellas, and one immature old-timer simply flew off into the horizon on their own, leaving only a bunch of wide-eyed commoners in the background at the rare scene.

As for the giant eagle tasked with watching over the boy, he figured its still better if he reported this to the king. Therefore, the bird wasted no time in flapping his chicken wings over to the location where Di Cangs aura was hovering.

However, just when hes about to push open the door in question, Bai Yans word from earlier suddenly popped up in his mind again, thus stopping his movement in the last minute.

Would King blame me if I disturb his rest?

But thinking back to how attentive Di Cang was towards his queen, the birds swaying mindset once again calmed itself. In a gnash of its beak, he practically jumped right in based on that movement like hes entering the depths of hell.

Sadly for this big eagle though, due to his enormous size, only that head has managed to fit through. As for his massive body, its stuck like a chicken hen trying to squirm through the fence. Now he couldnt go in nor get out less he destroys a part of the entrance, poor bird.

Sire, just now the Queen said you were in the middle of sleeping, did I disturb you? The giant eagle hastily asks out of fear.

Already awake and leaning against the pillow with his chest still half open, Di Cang squints his eyes towards the ignorant bird: I was never asleep.

Then King you The news greatly startled the eagle, If King was never asleep then why did he let the Queen go?

If my little wife wants to play then wheres the issue? It doesnt matter where she goes anyways I can always go find her now.

Twitching in his beak, If nothing else, should I retreat then?

Wait! A slightly dangerous light flickers across the mans iris, Go find the two fools who dares to insult my wife And when you do, remove them!

If Yan Yan does not intend to do it then I can do it for her. No one is ever allowed to touch her, ever!

Yes Sire! Receiving the order, the eagle promptly turns away timidly, afraid even the slightly misstep would aggravate this dangerous being.

Only this time he didnt leave for long before coming back.

King, I was too late and someone has already gotten to them before I. The eldest Wang Deyuan have gone crazy and the third brother Wang Deyi is now crippled and his cultivation destroyed!

Squinting his eyes over this news, Di Cang abruptly burst into a hollering laugh, I knew my wife isnt that kind-hearted. It seems I was worried for nothing.

This literally left the eagle gawking his eyes because the mans meaning there was that the one responsible was none other than Bai Yan.

Instead of doing it afterwards, why didnt the Queen just abolish them when they were at the Wang familys home?