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Chapter 468 Xiachens Little Revenge (3)

However so, Mo Li Shangs expression remains unchanged.

Uncle Mo, Bai Xiachen quiets down his voice, Arent you finding it strange that Little Rice can talk?

Nowadays there arent many creatures outside of humankind capable of regular speech. Aside from the most powerful of existences within the Abyss of the Demon Forest, its almost nonexistent.

Why should it be strange? The teen blinked, clearly confused by that question, Piggy could also talk before, just that hes injured and lost the ability for now.

No wonder

Heaving a sigh of great relief, Bai Xiachen raises a brilliant smile: Uncle Mo, please keep Little Rices ability to speak a secret. I dont want to bring more trouble for Mother because of this.

I will keep it a secret for you, raising a shining smile of his own, if you dont believe it then we can cross our pinkies as a promise.

Puckering that displeased lip, the baby boy obviously didnt like the childish suggestion: I didnt expect this from you Uncle Mo, using such a childish trick on me. Im not three anymore, Im not going to do something like that anymore. However Giving it a second, he grins, I will still believe in Uncle Mo regardless.

Now it was Mo Li Shangs turn to be taken back. His eyes shifting to his own pinkie in puzzlement.

I got called childish but a child this.

Uncle Mo, lets go. Turning around, Bai Xiachen was ready to leave when the baby tiger bit against his sleeve pitifully.

Little Master, you really cant go, Mistress will be angry.

Perhaps its to sooth his little friends unease when patting down at that head, but the boys words were damning. Dont worry Little Rice, I will not do anything dangerous. When the time comes that Mother asks, I will just say it was you who dragged me to go along.

This literally made the poor tiger cry out in grievance, I just knew he will be like this. Any trouble will always be on my head.

No, I cant let you go Little Mast

In a flash of idea, the baby tiger wanted to yell for attention. Unfortunate for him, the boys hand worked much faster than his vocals could and muffled that tongue by grabbing his throat.

We better leave Uncle Mo, if Mother learns of this then we cant go anymore.

Nodding eagerly: Okay, we cant let Yan Yan know about this. Lets go find this woman before the secret is out.

Dare to bully Yan Yan? Humph, I will show that woman what it means to cross us!


Seeing how much of an agreement these two blasted fellas are, Little Rice could only mourn his own life, This really isnt my fault Mistress, Ive already done my best to stop Little Master.

At the same time somewhere else in the venue, Ye Ying in her faint blue skirt was currently strolling through the area with an elder following her side. The only difference here was that the old man was a different one instead of that Ye Zhung.

Then all of a sudden, the girl halts in her footstep as that brow locked up: Uncle Ling, how is the matter going?

Dont worry Miss, Ive already placed the young lords ring into the womans room. When the time comes, we can begin spreading the rumor about the love affair and use the item as proof. The old senior known as Ye Ling answers respectfully like an elder and a servant.