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Chapter 471 Acting All Around (2)



The two turns to hug each other, crying their hearts out in appearance and putting on the act of the century.

Naturally this aggravated Ye Ying to no ends. Shaking all over from the act, the girl glares dagger at the two bastards trying to frame her.

I still have time, theres no one else from the Medicine Sect here. Even if I remove them now to somewhere else, I can still cover it up without anyone to prove it!

Uncle Ling! The girl roars out to her follower, indicating him to move before this scene gets further out of hand.

Tell everyone this instant that your story is all made up, otherwise Im going to kill you for the treachery of todays deed! The senior draws his blade, aiming straight at the teen and child still crying across from themselves.

Uncle Ling! Stomping her feet in frustration, Ye Ying wanted to slap herself at the moment over the folly. She only intended to drag the pair away, not openly threaten the pair to admit guilt!

Argh, damn this Ye Ling! I only wanted him to drag them away, not do something like this. Hes so useless!

Sure enough, the alchemists whom came to attend the conference were all frowning openly with contempt now. They didnt expect someone to be so dumb to openly threaten to take ones life while in their presence.

Miss Ye Ying, although you are a distant relative of the current lord of the Medicine Sect but that doesnt mean you can just take others life as you please. The old lord of this great sect has always been an upright person all his life, I suggest you rethink your actions less you want to destroy his reputation by your own hands.

Yes, I concur with that. When have the Medicine Sect fallen into a state where they are openly bullying the weak?

Oh dear, look at how terribly sad their crying voices are. Just listening to it is making me want to tear up as well

The last comment obviously hailed from a madam.

For the female sex, its always been easier to win them over using their motherly instinct, especially when the subjects are a young lolly looking teen and a cute little child.

Uncles and aunties, Bai Xiachen climbs up with his tears still leaking, This isnt the fault of the Medicine Sect, I implore you all not to involve the innocent. My only hope is that this witch would stop trying to tear my family apart.

Oh what a sensible child he is! A female bystander heaves a sigh, wondering what sort of mother could produce such an outstanding son.

Dont worry child, with so many of us here today we will definitely not let your family be separated. However, the fact that you are here means your family is also here to attend the alchemy convention?

Nodding his little head, Bai Xiachen shows off a touch of pride: My mother is an alchemist and the most powerful one in this world.

Towards that over exaggerative proclamation, the crowds of bystanders didnt hold any negative opinion for it, rather it only increased their goodwill due to the statement. After all, its normal for a child to look towards their parents as the best, theres nothing wrong with that view.

Miss Ye Ying, the woman in turn shifted her attention over to the subject of condemnation, today is the alchemy convention. Arent you worried about disgracing your elders by doing something so outlandish?

Humph! Twisting her expression, the girl herself only huffed a grunt: Uncle Ling, were leaving!

Just you wait you brat, I will get you back for this one day!