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Chapter 465 You Must Get Justice For Me (4)

Old Madam Ye steels her heart: Okay, I will go to him! Even if I have to use that bitch Li Jings (sister) name again, I will have him agree to our demands!

In this world, how can one not help relative over outsiders? Brother-in-law isnt befuddled to such a degree.

Unfortunately for her though, it appears Bai Chang Feng was fully intent on avoiding this dreaded shrew at all costs. No matter what she did or what she try, the guards refuses to waver.

Back inside the study.

The old lord of the Medicine Sect was currently painfully rubbing his temple as he sighed helplessly: These people really are endless. Since you already said you wont take Ye Ying as your daughter then it shouldve been the end of it, why cant they understand when to back off.

Smiling wryly as well, Bai Zhanpeng attempts to sooth his old mans woes: Father, you dont have to see them. Even if your feelings for Mother is deep, it still doesnt excuse them for their unending nagging. No one should put up with them.

Son, how are things going with your investigation? And when is she coming? Bai Chang Fengs voice sounded tense, his eyes whimpering with concern.

Naturally Bai Zhanpeng would know who his old man was referring to: The messenger I sent returned with word that the girl is currently away from home. As to whether or not she is my sisters daughter, I can say with almost certainty now. From my investigation, that daughter of the Lan House did in fact know someone by the name of Bai Ning years ago, just that her family doesnt know if its one and the same. Inhaling deeply, he continues with exasperated breath, Though Ninger isnt with us anymore but at least her blood can after so long.

Ever since he first laid eyes on Bai Yan, he has had a emotional yearning for the girl. It urged him, propelled him to get close to her. If thats not the effect of their blood being one and the same then what else?


The cup in the old lords hand shatters as he dropped it from his hand. Perhaps its due to the answer being so fitting to his heart but the trickling tears could no longer be contained as he burst into a bellowing laugh.

Jinger (wife), it must be you watching over us. Now your granddaughter will soon be at home!

That is my granddaughter! No one can compare with her! Now my line will have a third generational heir!

By this stage Bai Chang Fengs very old hands were shaking. In fact, the trembling was so bad that he couldnt even manage to get a grip on the second teacup.

When can I meet my granddaughter my son? Will she like a grandfather like me? Oh right, you said she has a child now, will her son like a great grandfather like me? No matter what, we did remain oblivious to their existence for all these years. The elders appearance looked no different from that of an insecure child, asking this and asking that.

Father, she is a good child as well as her son. Im sure they wouldnt hate you.

Thats good, thats good then, heaving a sigh of relief, Bai Chang Feng rubs his hand nervously like an unsettled child. Then suddenly jerking up from his chair like he remembered something important: Oh no! I must prepare something for my granddaughter and great grandson. Whats your opinion, should I hand over my medicine vault to them or my entire Medicine Sect instead?

Shes not lacking in medicinal ingredients so you might as well hand over this place. Bai Zhanpengs expression grew meaningful.

The middle-aged mans intent was very simple. As long as hes free of the burden at home then he could run off in search of his sister.