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Chapter 474 The Imminent Start of the Convention (1)

Xiachen, you dont want to see me? Hurt to the point where his heart aches terribly, Bai Zhanpeng asks with sadness in his voice.

No, its not like that, the boy hurries to reply after seeing the mans reaction, I also like Grandpa Zhanpeng a lot.

Then why do you want to leave as soon as you saw me?

I Not answering for the longest time, Bai Xiachen took a good minute before he could make up his mind, Grandpa Zhanpeng, I wont leave, dont worry.

Now that was all the man needed to hear. Smiling all over, this young lord of the Medicine Sect only wanted to grab this little steambun and give him the biggest hug of all times. In fact, if he could kidnap the boy and keep him here forever then it would be even better knowing hes his grand-nephew.

Xiachen, your mother, is she also here as well? Bai Zhanpeng hurries to ask.

Blinking his eyes at the inquiry, Bai Xiachen faintly nods in confirmation: Mhmm, Mother is at the main avenue. Do you want to meet her?

Its absolutely true the man here wanted to meet his niece before knowing shes here, but now that hes confronting with the truth, it appears Bai Zhanpeng was starting to get the cold feet instead.

What would she do if I tell her right away about our relationship? Maybe she would take it as me trying to use her or something bad.


I cant let the small little bit of good feelings I built in her eyes to be tarnished over something mediocre like impatience. I must come up with a way to prove our identity with Father first.

Also, it will also avoid those other people within the Medicine Sect from saying those irresponsible remarks.

This The mans head churned with ideas, his eyes nervous and unsure when meeting the baby boys eye: Xiachen, I like to ask you a question. If, lets say if. what if your mother suddenly discovers she has another grandfather, would she accept him?

Well thats of course if this grandfather likes me a lot, blinking his big innocent eyes, Bai Xiachen tilts his head like hes a tad confused by the strange question. Mother would surely like him as well if thats the case. ..

Bai Zhanpeng became rather speechless over this answer. Its too straightforward.

Xiachen, your great grandfather would surely like you, just that your mother, she.

If he likes me then thats all good, theres no problem then. However, the premise must be that hes my great grandfather. Biting his thumb, the boy appears puzzled now: Where is my great-grandfather? Do you know where he is? I know Mother would want to find out where my grandmother is

I have a way, Bai Zhanpengs eye flashed with glee, As long as Xiachen you help me get a close intimate object from your mother, even a strand of hair will do, then I can do that. Will you help Grandpa Zhanpeng in the task?

Even if the man himself was already sure of Bai Yans identity to a certain degree, but merely recognizing the girl back into the family wouldnt be enough. His main objective lies in gifting the entire Medicine Sect to the girl. In that case, he must stuff up the mouths of those old-timers first using a special method. Blood mixing wont prove anything, he knows that much.

Really? The boys eye lit up as well, Then Grandpa Zhanpeng can help find my Mothers relative?

I can only give it a try. In addition, this is a secret between us. Dont tell your mother first. Rubbing that little head, the mans expression shined with gentle warmth.