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Chapter 459 Ye Ying (2)

Is Bai Zhanpeng looking for us, or is it your familys lady? Faintly wrinkling her temple, Bai Yan asks.

Towards the inquisitiveness of the woman, Ye Zhung only sneered as his eyes revealed the true contemptuous nature he has of her: This lady, Lord Bai may not even know who you are so of course it would be my lady.

Who is Bai Zhanpeng? He is the second generational lord of the Medicine Sect. How could a normal person ever think about approaching such an esteemed figure?


Since its not the man himself who wants a meeting then its only normal for Bai Yans reception to fan down as well. Showing a face thats lost interest: I do not know your lady so you can go back.

This girl, pulling down his face, Ye Zhungs attitude promptly got rude, My lady is the Medicine Sects people. Arent you worried about the consequences for refusing us?

Anyone would know by now the uncalled-for visitor comes with ill intent at this point. What perplexes Bai Yan here was why. Its not like she had any interaction with the members of the Medicine Sect aside from Bai Zhenpang.

So the Medicine Sect likes to force others against their will? Curving that lip into a mocking grin, her eyes confronts the elder head on.


Ye Zhung was ready to lose that façade after being ridiculed. However, before he could do so, a blast of oppressive aura had come flying at him and sending his old body shooting out like a twirling hurricane.

Who can force my wife if shes unwilling? Scram before I let you understand what it means to cross her! Like a blade in that threat, the threatening figure thats known as Di Cang steps in to make his claim.

Ahuouph! Coughing hard to throw up several mouthfuls of blood, Ye Zhungs condition wasnt doing so well as he laid there on the ground. Considering how ghastly white his complexion looked, its obvious hes suffered some heavy internal injuries from that attack.

Uncle Zhung, crisp like a spring breeze, the soft melodic voice that suddenly cuts in originates from the rear.


By now the downstairs have quieted down as well, their eyes focused in on that glamorous woman in green. Isnt that Miss Ye Ying? How come shes here?

Since theres no third generational heir to the Medicine Sect yet, most younglings are currently targeting the closest thing to it and that was Ye Ying, a distant relative of the current lord.

Uncle Zhung, what are you doing? Showing a faintly annoyed face, Ye Ying apparently wasnt very pleased with her followers performance: I asked you to invite these two guests over, why are you showing such rude behavior instead? Hurry and apologize to them!

Dumbfounded at first over the order, Ye Zhung nevertheless knew what the lady was doing. Making an unwilling bow: Apologies, Ive been rude.

Now that shes salvaged the situation, the one known as Ye Ying then shifts her attention to the two inside the room: Please overlook this occasion, he did not know better. May I come in and have a cup of tea while we talk?

Considering how soft and tender that smiling face was, no one should be able to refuse such a beauty. However, Di Cangs the exception. Darkening in his face until its a gloomy storm: My wife doesnt like associating with strangers.

In short, he meant Scram!

Not only did the uninvited girl not get angry, Ye Ying even smiled at Bai Yan like a confident peacock: First allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ye Ying. Miss, Im assuming you are here to attend the alchemy convention am I correct? I can help you with that and even introduce you to an elder of our sect. Im sure with my word you would be able to get some pointers during your time here, how about it?