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Chapter 427 Adorable Little Lamb (1)

Wrinkling his brow, Wang Deyi remains suspicious, Many days? Can it be, Old Two is really not responding?

Leave first and continue spying on my brothers movement. As for that woman who came with him, sneering with a sinister light in his iris, She better mind her own business, otherwise.

An House

Skirting into the courtyard with his peachy robe, An Xiang Ran really does have the making of a fine lady if not for that conspicuous bump on his throat.

Xiang Ran, you are back?

Like an obstacle, that vigorous and powerful voice belonged to the old senior behind the boy, which startled him upon recognition: Grandpa, are you looking for me?

I heard during this period you and that little chubby from the Wang family are very close, is it true? Wrinkling his brow, this elder thats known as An Zheng Nan sounded frustrated and helpless towards the situation.

Because the kid didnt quite understand the intent of his grandfather for asking, An Xiang Ran held off on replying immediately and instead took a moment to think it through.

That chubby from the Wang family is a tyrannical character. Im afraid you will suffer if you get too close to him, so.

Grandfather! Exclaiming on the spot, the kid finally got it, I have the freedom to choose my own friends.

Ever since he was little, this peachy boys grandfather – An Zheng Nan – have always dictated the every move of the boy, thats why he turned out in such a fashion and without proper friends. Now that the opportunity to mingle with people of his own age group has come, theres no way An Xiang Ran would let it go.

Ive had enough of those lonely days!

But my child, Grandpa here is doing this for your own good. Your father left only you behind, how can I bear to see you being bullied? Listen to Grandpa and dont have too much contact with those people.

He really does care, thats why theres nervousness and worry in those old eyes. Its not like this grandpa wants his grandson to be lonely, just that hes afraid that the boy would suffer a lot of grievances in the pursuit of making friends.

It didnt help either when the one they are talking about here was Wang Xiaopang, a child that has a long history of being physical.

Biting his lip, An Xiang Ran doesnt seem to think the same way: I am twelve years old already, I will decide my own future. Grandpa, you dont need to keep worrying yourself so much.

You. But before the elder could further his argument, the boy had already stamped his feet away, leaving the old grandpa full of worries in his eyes.

Father, it was then a low muffled voice came from the side.

Wrinkling his brows, the senior slowly shifts his gaze over to the source that was the middle-aged man standing nearby. This person was the uncle of the peachy boy, also the current chief of the An House.

Father, are you troubling yourself again for Xiang Rans sake? Chuckling at his fathers demeanor, An Zhen Ning appears to be more lax in his viewpoint, Hes already old enough, we need to give him some freedom so let him be. Otherwise, it will only be counterproductive if we be too hard.

Towards his sons persuasion, the senior only smiled while shaking his head, How can I not understand such things. I just dont want him to be hurt.

Zhen Ning, is something the matter in coming to find me?

The story is like this. Some time ago I managed to get my hands on a Dragon Fruit, then yesterday that third son of the Wang House sent someone to see me, claiming they wish to purchase it for double the price. Im here to discuss the matter with you. Father, should we sell it?