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Chapter 456 Are You Going to Scram or What? (3)

The timing of Di Cangs entrance couldnt be anymore inappropriate. Not only did he get to witness firsthand Bai Yan handing a handkerchief over to the teen, their hands are actually touching!

In a blink of an eye, a storm seems to have covered the entire room due to the mans gloominess.

Di Cang what a coincident that you came at this time. Twitching in the corner of her mouth after jerking up from the chair, Bai Yan hurries to take the lead in directing the story.

Yes, what a coincident this is, stomping over to make a grab for that dainty hand in question, Di Cangs appearance was overflowing with the ooze of jealousy while he eyed the lolly-faced opponent: What were you two doing just now?

I was helping Piggy wipe his tears.


Finally taking notice to the shivering creature in the teens arms, Di Cangs foul mood finally let up. He doesnt know why, but Bai Yans urgency to explain herself had left his heart all fuzzy and great.

Your handkerchief is really just for that pig?

Yep, only for the pig. She regretted it the second after that involuntarily response.

I clearly didnt do anything here, why am I explaining myself back forth and forth in front of Di Cang? Not like I need to anyways!

As for the pink piggy whose responsible for the misunderstanding, the poor thing already lost all semblance of its former self. Scared to the point where he couldnt even raise his pig head, the little guy was clearly being overwhelmed by that dominating aura.

Who is he? Pressing his lips together, Di Cang continues to ask.

Working fast in the brain, Bai Yan blurts out the first thing that came to mind: My little brother.

Your little brother? How come I never knew you had another little brother aside from Bai Xiao?

This Stumped by that comment, If I say he is then he is, am I right my son?

Without disappointment, Bai Xiachen hurries to nods his little head like a rocking drum in support: Uncle Mo is Mothers little brother, thats right.

If hes your mothers little brother, then why are you addressing him like that?


Note: He used his surname instead of Shang, which would be considered a formal way of addressing someone and not a close family member.

Showing a dull face like hes lost, the little steambun didnt get the question from his old man .

Did I say something wrong there?

Yan Yan, dubious in his eyes, Mo Li Shang returns a look of his own at the tyrannical figure across from himself, Have I met him before?

Hes been fully reliant on Bai Yan since the first moment he laid eyes on her. Now that Di Cang has appeared as well, the familiar and intimate feelings only grew in kind instead of weakening.

Why cant I remember anything?

Heavily furrowing that brow, Mo Li Shang painfully grabs onto his own head in pain. That cheek had turned dreadfully pale like its been devoid of color, bordering on the line of transparency even.

Shang Shang! Frightened by that sudden change, Bai Yan made a quick dash over in order to rub the teens forehead: If you forgot then its fine, theres no need to push yourself. Some memories are not meant to be remembered, thats why some people choose to forget those painful ones.