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Chapter 433 Birthday Storm (3)

Damn this hateful cat, hes actually a demon beast as well, Ive let my guard down! But a cat is a cat, how can I possibly lose to a cat?

Or so thats what this scoundrel thought anyways because the last bit of hope he had was shattered in that split second.

The reason?

Though it was faint and brief, Wang Deyi could clearly see the word king appear above Little Rices forehead there.

Thi-this is no cat, hes the king of animals – a tiger!

AH! Gushing with blood from his facial wound, the severe pain causes the bastard to issue out a deafening scream.

Perhaps its the shock of how quickly things advanced, or hes just inexperienced to such events, but An Xiang Rang (peachy boy) has finally realized how close he came to danger back there and burst into tears.

Its okay Xiang Ran, its okay, Uncle is here. In one sweep of his arms, An Zhen Ning pulls his nephew into his embrace with distress clearly shown on that face: Nothing can harm you my boy, Uncle wont let any who dares to hurt you get away with this.

Sniffling like a little wife there, An Xiang Ran peers up at the stoic figure while wiping his tears: Uncle, that Dragon Fruit, I wanted to give it to my friend Bai Xiachen.

Bai Xiachen?

Lapsing out for a second there, An Zhen Ning then remembers who that name belongs to. According to his memory, that should be the boy whos been playing with his nephew recently.

Is that why Xiang Ran is on good terms with Wang Xiaopen now?

Just as he was thinking this, the current chief of the An House had found his attention grabbed by that little steambun coming over from the front.

He had to admit, because of how adorable Bai Xiachen looked from the surface, he too was having a good impression of the child at first glance. As for Wang Xiaopang whos also coming over. Well, theres nothing more to say aside from being a fat chubby who made him want to smack that boy out of reflex.

That Seeing his friends are here now, An Xiang Ran fidgets around like hes ashamed of himself, Im sorry Xiachen, I wanted to give you the Dragon Fruit today as a surprise, but I didnt think it would turn out like this.

Rolling his eyes at the peachy boys reaction, Wang Xiaopeng uses a how can you be that dumb kind of tone in his voice: Seriously, its not like you dont know my third uncles foul nature, why would you choose such a place to bring the Dragon Fruit. You shouldve done it in private and not in such an open occasion.

In the face of his newfound friend Bai Xiachen, An Xiang Rans tone could only be called friendly, borderline worshiping even, but against the gobsmacking chubby, his reception was as usual in his manner of using that double sissy finger posture.

(For those that dont know what the author is referring to, try searching up sailor moons picture)

When have I An Xiang Ran ever given a gift in the shadows? If Im going to give a gift then it must be done in the open. If anything, it should be me asking you about this. How can your third uncle be this shameless Xiaopeng?

Not missing his nephews wording there, An Zhen Ning immediately began examining the said boy, So Xian Ran took the Dragon Fruit from Father because of this child?

Uncle, do you remember the snow fox that I brought back a few days ago? It was Bai Xiachen here who got it for me. He took me to Mt. Qinling for it.

Bai Xiachen got it for you? Just the three of you?