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Chapter 489 Earth Shattering Triple Three (4)

The guard sneered: What does shaming you have to do with our Medicine Sect? Do you really take yourself as the lady here? Hurry up and get out of here!

As a member of the Medicine Sect, these guards are of course good at reading the changing tide. Therefore, its only normal their attitude wouldnt be good once Bai Chang Feng revealed his negative opinion of the Ye family.

How dare you talk to me like that! Ye Yings pretty face finally started to crumble, revealing her twisted side that shes been hiding all along. How dare this small fry talk to me like this, ARGH!

And why wouldnt I dare? Hurry and go, otherwise I will throw you out myself. The Lord doesnt want to see you so hurry and get scarce. Waving his hand impatiently, the guard acts like hes swatting a fly.

Good, very good! Clenching her dainty hands into a crunching ball, Ye Yings heart was boiling with anger at the indignation. Its because Im not the real young lady of the Medicine Sect, thats why even a small fry like this would dare to get pompous in front of me!

Giving one final cold glare at the person, she then waltzes away where the viciousness in her eyes came beaming out.

The alchemy convention has already commenced; therefore, none of the contestants were idling around once the recipes were dispersed by the officials. And of course, Ye Ying wouldnt leave the target of her frustration alone either, shes been having her people spy on the group from afar the entire way.

When it became known that Bai Yan had done nothing but sightseeing with her son the entire time, Ye Yings lip just couldnt resist making a scornful grin. And here I thought the Holy Land would send someone capable over, turns out its nothing but a useless individual who doesnt even know anything about alchemy!

Miss, do we still need to keep an eye on that woman then? One of the guards in service to the Ye family asks.

Theres no need anymore, she couldnt possibly blow up any wind at the rate shes going. Oh right, what about my useless brother, how is he doing lately?

Young Master aside from eating, drinking, and playing, she is otherwise in the backyard with those women Flushing red from embarrassment, the guard awkwardly explains.

Showing a sarcastic smirk: He is just as useless. Fortunately, this baggage still holds some value! Whatever, just go down for now. Also, keep your eyes out for my uncle, I want to know if he does anything in this timeframe.

Yes, milady. Bowing his head, the guard retires to leave the girl alone.

Meanwhile at the same time over at the lower segment of the mountain, two of the gatekeepers were busying chatting with each other like usual. They were bored so alcohol was their only means of entertainment, well, that was until they noticed the three beautiful figures quickly walking over to their location.

Hold it, this here is the Medicine Sect! Outsiders are not permitted beyond this premise!

But before the man could further show off his mighty words, one of the girls in a yellow dress have already beaten him to the punch by coming forward.

Open your eyes and take a good look at what this is. Dangling the tiny token around, the girl acts all haughty like she owns the place.

You you are. Initially the gatekeeper was still frowning at the strange demand, its not the usual way people behave in their presence, but he soon discovered why.

Humph! The yellow dressed girl huffs a grunt and cocks her head high, Can we enter now?

Please, please. Shaking all over like he couldnt keep his composure, the gatekeeper and his companion immediately opened up a path.