-Cupcakes and Sweet Kisses-

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Hey guys! back with some fluffy cute boys! Uh, this was inspired by QuakitysFatAss, so yea, enjoy the cute shit. It'll literally rot your teeth.

Sapnap's POV

Sapnap woke up to his phone ringing. It was Karl, which wasn't a surprise. The blonde boy was always awake earlier than the ravenette. He groaned softly as he stretched and grabbed his phone. "yes my lovely little ball of energy?" Sapnap slurred, still half asleep.

"Well good morning my ball of fire!" Karl giggled happily. They had began calling each other these nicknames about a week ago and Karl couldn't get enough of it. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over in a few hours?" Karl asked sweetly.

Sapnap smiled to himself and yawned. "Sure thing cutie, when do you want me there? Seeing as it's-" He cut himself off and groaned. "1:45." He huffed, making Karl giggle again.

"Well, let's say five? Since I know you need your two hours of awake time." Karl teased. He knew Sapnap's 'morning' routine better than Sapnap did sometimes.

"Sounds good sugar. I'll text you either when I'm there, or in your kitchen." He chuckled and sat up, kicking the covers off of his legs. He normally just walked into Karl's house without knocking because they've been friends for so long, and since they started dating a month ago. Karl even got Sapnap a key for the house.

"Ok love, I'll see you later. Mwah! Smooches." Karl said happily.

"Smooches to you too." Sapnap said softly as he hung up. He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He didn't bother grabbing clothes because he'd just randomly pick some out once he needed to get dressed.

Once Sapnap returned to his room from his shower, he opened up his closet as he held his towel around his waist. He figured Karl wanted to just hangout at his house, so he picked out nothing special.

Sapnap pulled on his boxers, followed by tugging up his gray sweatpants. Sapnap slipped his white fire t-shirt on as well as his black socks. As he was leaving his room, he grabbed his phone and bandana before walking downstairs.

Once downstairs he pulled on his checkered Vans, tying his bandana around his head, fixing his hair as need be, and then grabbed his keys from the bowl on the counter. As he left he locked the door.

Sapnap started down the sidewalk towards Karl's house. They didn't live very far apart, at least about five blocks.

When Sapnap arrived at Karl's house he grabbed the door knob and twisted it down, opening the door. He stepped in quietly, wanting to try and scare Karl. Sapnap shut the door gently behind him. To avoid any sounds from his shoes, he quietly took them off, setting them with the rest of the shoes by the door.

He slowly and quietly walked up the stairs, looking around to see where Karl may have been. He saw the older boy standing in front of his closet, looking for a sweater to put on over his plain black t-shirt. Sapnap watched him for a few more seconds before he decided it was game time.

Sapnap silently walked through the door and up behind Karl. He snaked his arms around the boys waist.

"Ah!" He squealed, turning to see his boyfriend.

"Nick what the fuck?!" He huffed angrily, pushing his lover away.

"I'm sorry baby, don't be mad!" Sapnap wheezed as he pulled Karl back into his arms, rubbing his back gently.

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