-Nail Polish-

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Teehee, fluff, bc I have no ideas for smut or angst rn- fight me on it nerds

TW: none
CW: couple activities, cuddling, loving praise

Sapnap entered through the front door, smiling seeing Karl sitting at the kitchen island. Karl smiled back, happily jumping out of his chair and running to the ravenette. Sapnap wrapped Karl into a loving hug, sharing a love filled and sweet kiss.

"Well hello beautiful." Sapnap chuckled, looking down slightly at the brunette.

"Hi pandas~" Karl said in a sing song voice, gently swaying his body.

"What's got you so excited huh?"

"Well, I wanted to know if you maybe, I don't know, wanted to like, let me paint your nails on stream again?" Karl asked hesitantly, knowing it's not Sapnap's thing normally.

Sapnap thought about it, scrunching his nose as he thought. He didn't necessarily like it, but it didn't bother him either. And Karl was always so excited to do it. And it was something they could do together, so he ultimately gave in.

"Yea, that's fine." Sapnap chuckled as Karl squealed happily, hugging the taller a bit tighter.

Karl ran up to his streaming room, walking up the stairs almost like a dog. Sapnap rolled his eyes and snickered as he followed the brunette up the stairs. He saw the smaller reaching for the black, purple, and orange nail polish, as well as removed and cotton swabs/balls.

"Ok ok ok, hurry up, go sit. Go go go!" Karl ordered with a smile.

Sapnap raised his hands in defense and made his way to the streaming room. He sat in his chair and helped Karl set up for the stream. Karl placed the headset on himself, clicking the 'go live' button.

"Hi chat! Hello!" Karl greeted, waving with a smile.

"So, I managed to get Sap to agree for the stream. Hint hint. Obviously it's the second nail painting stream." Karl said triumphantly.

Sapnap rolled his eyes and chuckled, scrunching his nose. Karl giggled, the tip of his tongue sticking out. God it made Sapnap melt.

"So! Knowing Mr. Cool emo guy here, he's doing only black I'm sure. I'm obviously doing multiple colors. I got purple and orange for this time!" Karl explained, wiggling consistently in his seat.

Sapnap snorted and rolled his eyes. Rolling up his sleeves and cracking his knuckles. Karl was talking to chat a little bit more, mostly about random things.

"Ok! Here we go. Gonna start with Sappitus Napputis so he can go do whatever he wants when they're dry." Karl teased, shaking the small bottle a few times.

Sapnap had his hands set up on the paper towel covering the desk. He was half paying attention half looking off into space. He was happy Karl was getting a kick out of this.

Karl opened the bottle and picked up one of Sapnap's hands. He carefully twisted it to the right angle as to be comfortable for both males. Karl carefully and slowly painted Sapnap's nails, not wanting to fuck it up.

It was. Shit challenging, seeing as Karl was always naturally shaky. Once he finished one hand, he moved to the next. Once finished with the second hand, he screwed the cap back on. Sapnap chuckled as Karl smiled so lovingly at him.

"Thank you for giving in. I love you." Karl said, pressing a kiss to Sapnap's cheek.

"Anything to see you smile handsome." Sapnap teased, giving a wink.

Karl rolled his eyes and flushed red. He talked to chat a bit more and then Sapnap got an idea. Maybe he could have fun with this too.

Once his nails were completely dry, he turned to look at his boyfriend, seeing that adorable little smile.

"Hey bug? How would you feel about me painting your nails?" Karl squeaked happily and nodded his head vigorously.

"Yes! Do it do it do it!" Karl pleaded.

"Ok ok, calm down there cowboy." Sapnap snickered, taking the purple and shaking it a few times.

Karl smiled and scrunched his nose. Sapnap was so impossibly in love with the brunette. Karl placed his hands in the spot Sapnap's once laid. Sapnap opened the small bottle, setting in on the table and taking the cover in his hand. He followed Karl's pervious actions, but skipped his pointer and ring finger to save for the orange.

"You're actually doing a really good job!" Karl praised, watching the others movements.

"Thanks. I'm actually trying." Sapnap snickered, gently placing his hand down, and taking the other repeating the process.

Once he was finished with the purple he did the same process with the orange. Karl sat contently with a smile on his face the whole time.

As the dried Karl just talking to chat and Sapnap, Sapnap having something to say now and again. It was peaceful. Relaxing.

Once they had dried, Karl placed himself into the ravenette's lap. He wanted the warmth and love from the other. Sapnap chuckled and snakes his arms around Karl's waist, leaving soft kisses on his cheek and exposed neck.

"So, it's been like, three hours and 15 minutes. Sooooo, I'm thinking in 15 more minutes we're gonna end stream guys." Karl yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"I was up late and up early this morning, so I'm ready for a nap." Sapnap mumbled against Karl's shoulder.


Sapnap lay on the bed, holding Karl close to his side. He played with the smallers soft chocolate honey colored hair. Karl hummed and leaned into the touch.

"I love you bug." Sapnap whispered, placing a kiss on Karl's head.

"I love you too bubba." Karl mumbled, feeling the tiredness flood his senses.

"Go to sleep baby, I'm getting there too." Sapnap chuckled, rubbing Karl's back.

Karl only hummed in response, nuzzling himself closer to the other male. Sapnap yawned and rubbed his eyes. He loved these moments. Even if they were frequent, they were always so special and comfortable.

"Sleep good beautiful." Sapnap whispered, placing one last kiss on Karl's head before letting himself fall asleep as well.

Yay, fluff, it's probably shit but whatever. I think imma start a dreamnap one-shots book at some point, if anyone is interested

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