-Sick Boy-

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Finally, a break from smut. Just Karl being a good bf and taking care of sick lil Snapmap.

TW: none

Sapnap groaned the second he woke up. His body aches and he felt terrible. He was freezing but sweating, so much he was soaking the sheets beneath his shirtless body.

Just then, Karl walked in happily, whistling a song as he set a plate of food down next to the bed in the nightstand. He turned and looked to his boyfriend. Sapnap's face was pale but warm with heat and he overall looked terrible.

"Oh Sappy baby." Karl cooed softly, instantly understanding the other was sick.

"Good morning my love." Sapnap smiled wealing, leaning up for a kiss.

"Oh no you don't mister. You're clearly sick. You're burning up." Karl sighed as he placed his head on the ravenette's forehead.

"I'm freezing! And I'm not sick!" Sapnap protested, going in for another kiss.

"Nicolas. You're not getting a kiss right now. I'm getting you medicine and some soup. I'll heat this for you later when you can stomach it." Karl sounded like a mother as he took the plate back down to the kitchen, starting to make some soup.

As the soup simmered he came up to the bathroom, grabbing some medicine and pouring it into the small measuring cup provided with the bottle. Once that was put away, he brought the medicine to his sick boyfriend.

Sapnap groaned and sat up to take it to appease the blonde. Karl smiled softly as he pet Sapnap's hair softly.

"I'll be back bubs." Karl said softly, going to get Sapnap some soup.

Sapnap sighed and sat up, reaching for his water to wash out the foul taste of the medicine. Before he could, Karl came back in and snatched it up.

"Nope, you're going to rest, and I'm taking care of you." Karl said with a smile, lifting the water to Sapnap's mouth.

Sapnap drank the water and let out a satisfied sigh once the taste was gone. Karl sat on the edge of the bed and smiled, holding the bowl in his lap and holding the spoon up to his lovers mouth.

"Karl, baby you don't gotta feed me-" Karl looked at him and put the spoon in his mouth.

Sapnap smiled weakly at the warmth in his mouth. It instantly made him feel a bit better. Karl continued to feed him until the bowl was empty.

"Ok, I'm going to go run you a bath and help you get cleaned up, because my baby needs to feel better." Karl smiled, kissing the other forehead.

Sapnap closed his eyes and leaned into the comforting feeling. Karl played with his hair for a little bit before breaking away to get a bath ready. Karl walked to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and putting it on the counter top before turning and kneeling down.

He closed the drain and began to fill the tub with lukewarm water, adding some salts and bubbles to the water.

"Ok love, let's get you out of all this icky clothes and all clean." Karl said softly, pulling the other two the bathroom.

Karl helped Sapnap undress and get into the tub.

"Wait here, I'm gonna go get you clean clothes and clean sheets." Karl said with a quick kiss to his cheek.

Karl quickly pulled the dirty sheets and pillow cases off, as well as taking the comforter off and tossing it all in the laundry. He pulled on gray sheets and pillow cases, topping it with a black comforter.

Karl then quickly grabbed this lover new boxers, a t-shirt, and sweats. Once everything was said and done, he returned to the bathroom, setting the clothes on the opposite side of the counter.

"Ok, there. Now I can help you my love."

Sapnap was relishing in the comfort and care from his boyfriend. It honestly made him feel better with just that. Karl grabbed some shampoo and conditioner for the ravenette, working it into his hair before rinsing it out.

Karl them moved to washing Sapnap's face, then back and chest. Then he let Sapnap handle his own nether regions.

Once Sapnap and finished cleaning and rinsing, Karl began to drain the water as he wrapped Sapnap up in a towel. The ravenette quickly dried off and slipped his clothes on.

"Now that I'm clean, and I've taken some medicine will you give me a damn kiss! And come cuddle me?" Sapnap pleaded, missing the feeling of the blonde's lips, and holding his smaller frame.

"Yes, ys you can." Karl giggled, pulling the taller down for a kiss.

Sapnap smiled as they walked back to the room and flipped down on the bed. It didn't take long for them to get comfortable and fall asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning Karl woke up with a headache, runny nose, sore throat, and his body ached.

Sapnap came in with his left over breakfast from the day before.

"How do you feel today love?"

"Like shit." Karl whined, snuggling back into the blankets.

"Someone's sick." Sapnap teased, knowing full well it was his fault.

"You motherfucker.
Tee hee, cute fluff for the soul. Anyway, again idk what the next chapter will be yet.

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