-God's House-

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Hiiiii, so, this is inspired by _strawberryc0w_ pretty much Karl and Sapnap are both 16-year-olds at their like confirmation or whatever tf and then they do some dirty in GoD's HoUsE

CW: religious mentions, blowjob, handjob

Sapnap sat in his seat on the pew. It was their confirmation day, and he was bored out of his mind.

His parents didn't care if he got tattoos, or piercings, or even the fact he was Bisexual. But they thought it'd be best for him to get confirmed anyway.

It was fucking stupid.

"Ok, Nick, will you please read Corinthians 7: 3-5."

Sapnap silently groaned and flipped the book open.

"The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." He read aloud.

"Beautiful! Now, I have assigned you all partners for a partner activity."

Sapnap groaned to himself and closed the book. He didn't really like anyone here. They were all stuck up or homophobic. So there was a slim chance he'd participate.

"Nick, you're with Karl here." The pastor announced happily.

As Sapnap looked up he was met with a small, slightly toned and slightly curvy boy around his age. He looked a bit nervous, or maybe embarrassed? Either way, his face was slightly flushed and he smiled. Something about him made Sapnap long for blonde.

"Hi! I'm Karl!" He said and held out his hand, Sapnap kindly took it.

"Nick, or well, Sapnap as most call me." Karl smiled and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Should we find a place to sit?" Sapnap smiled and led the smaller to the empty church room down the hall.

"What are we doing in here-" Karl was cut off with a soft kiss.

He melted into the tallers kiss, wrapping his arms around the ravenette's neck. Sapnap snaked his arms around Karl's waist and pulled him closer. Sapnap sat down on the pew, pulling Karl on his lap.

"Mm!~" Karl yelped into the kiss, slowly grinding his hips down on the others.

Sapnap smirked into their now heated kiss as he undo Karl's belt and jeans so painfully slow. He slipped his hand into the boys boxers, wrapping his hand around the base of his cock.

"Mm~ S-Sap." Karl whined, bucking his hips up fro some sort of friction.

Sapnap began to slowly pump his hand,  slowly moving his hand up to tease the smallers tip.

"Fuck- Sap p-plEase~" Karl whined into his ear, letting out soft 'ah ah ah's afterwards.

It made the ravenette's eyes roll back. He began pumping his hand faster, relishing in the moans from the blonde.

"Fuck! C-close~ please don't s-stop." Karl whimpered.

Sapnap thought about stopping, just to edge the blonde, but they couldn't risk getting caught. So he pumped faster.

Not long after Karl came with a loud moan into Sapnap's neck. The ravenette removed his hand from Karl's pants and licked his hand clean, locking eyes with the smaller.

Karl bit his lip and whined at the sight. Before Sapnap could even protest Karl stood off the ravenette's lap, closing his own pants before undoing Sapnap's. Karl sunk down to his knees and looked up to the taller.

"Go for it baby. Just remember, God's watching." Sapnap smirked.

Karl flushed red and pulled Sapnap's length from his boxers. His eyes went wide at the sight before him. Sapnap had to have been at least eight inches. Sapnap looked down at the boy in front of him and slid his tongue across his teeth with a smirk.

Karl whimpered and kitten licked his tip, moving to his slit. Sapnap groaned, showing his head back, tangling his fingers in Karl's hair. Karl whined at the tug, sending vibrations through the ravenette's body.

"Oh fuck baby- there you go, come on." Sapnap groaned.

Karl smiled to himself, beginning to bob his head. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes as he took more and more of Sapnap's length down his throat.

"Oh my gOd- fuck baby, so good." Sapnap praised.

He gently began to lead Karl's head up and down. Sapnap did want to make Karl choke, but fuck did he want to see those pretty lavender gray eyes get teary with his dick in Karl's mouth.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~" Karl moaned out around his length.

He let Sapnap lead his head, eyes rolling back as he felt Sapnap hit the back of his throat. Thank the Lord for not having a gag reflex. Karl let his tongue fall out, dragging it up and down the shaft as Sapnap face fucked him.

"Fuck baby, so close, there you go-"

Before Karl or Sapnap could make another move or sound, the door was pushed open. Both boys quickly ducked and Sapnap pulled his pants back up, doing them quickly.

"Karl? Nick? Are you boys in here?" The pastor called.

"Mhm!" Karl hummed, not dating to use words, fearing his mouth would fail him.

"There you boys are! I was worried sick when I couldn't find you in the classroom!" He exhaled.

"We're ok sir! Just wanted to do some extra praying." Sapnap said quickly, his voice a bit husky.

"Alright, well, when you're done, you're free to head home." The pastor said with a smile, walking out of the room.

"Wanna head out back to my place?" Sapnap teased, but Karl eagerly nodded.


"Let's go then. I think we've committed enough sin in God's house today." He chuckled.

Yay, another one done. Also hate it, but then again I hate all of them lol.

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