-Save Me-

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Time for angst- possibly gonna make you cry idk. And like, they're 15 and 16 in this, Sap is older for the sake of logicality.

TW: sh, abuse, sewer slide attempt, OD mentions, panic attacks

Karl sat in his room sobbing.

You may be asking why. What happened to this bubbly and happy boy?

His father.

Karl had been out with his best friend, Sapnap, for the day. They had gone to the arcade and out for lunch. He was back half an hour earlier than he needed to not risk being late.

But it didn't matter.

The moment Karl stepped through the door he was called to the kitchen.

"Karl! Get your ass in here!"

Karl sighed and slowly slipped his shoes off, and padded towards the kitchen.

"What's up dad?" Karl asked softly, anxiety filling him from head to toe.

"What the hell are you doing back so early? And why the fuck were you hugging him? Guys don't fucking hug their friends unless they're fags." His dad sneered.

Karl gulped.

"I can't back early so I didn't risk being late. And he's my best friend, dad, we're both straight." Karl explained as calm as he could.

But he wasn't telling the whole truth.

He loved Nick. And not the way he was 'supposed' to love his best friend.

His dad glared at him and tsked.

"Fucking liar!" His dad yelled, throwing an empty beer bottle at the blonde.

Karl just barely moved before getting hit with it. It shatter against the floor. Karl could feel the burning glare from his father. He slowly turned back around to see the man right in front of him.

"No son of mine, is going to be a fucking faggot!" He yelled, shoving Karl against the wall by the collar of his shirt.

Karl yelped out at the impact of the hard wall on his back. And continued to let out choked sobs as his father threw him to the floor, kicking him, and once again threw an empty bottle in the direction of the blonde.

"Get the fuck out of my sight." His father grumbled.

Karl, coughing harshly, scrambled to get up and scurry to his room.

And that's why Karl sat in his room sobbing.

He couldn't breathe. It felt like his lungs wouldn't fill with the air he so desperately needed. His vision became blurry and his body shook.

Karl wished he could say this was the first time, but it had to have been the thousandth.

He continued to sob, til his eyes no longer produced tears and his throat ached.

Normally when it got this bad he'd call Sapnap. The ravenette's voice was so calming. The world could be ending but a simple word from the youngers mouth could take any of Karl's worries away.

But not this time.

He quickly set Sapnap one text.

'Save me.'

Then Karl did the one thing he promised he'd never do. The one thing you swore Sapnap would never have to deal with.

Karl stumbled into the bathroom in his room, sliding the small blade out from under the door frame. He slid down the now closed and locked door.

Did he really have the guts to do it?

Of course not. But that didn't stop him.

Karl pulled up his sleeves, setting the blade against his pale skin. Taking a deep breath, and with new found tears, Karl pressed down as he slid the blade against his wrist.

The feeling was new, painful, but oddly enough, it was just what he needed. Karl watched as the blood beaded up and dropped down his arm.

It brought a small smile to his lips.

Karl repeated this process at least six more times per arm. Now, the blonde sat, blood pooling on both sides of him, and staining his clothes as he stood. Karl opened up the medicine cabinet and reached for his antidepressants.

With a scoff and shake of his head, he poured the remaining five into his mouth, swallowing them.

It was finally going to stop. He was finally going to be free from this hell he called a life.

Or so he thought.

Karl woke up in a hospital bed, monitor beeping, tubes and IV connected to his body.

"Karl? Hey bud, it's Sap. I'm here."

His voice sounded cracked and broken. Like he'd been screaming, or harshly sobbing.

"Sap?" Karl mumbled, reached for the ravenette's hand.

"Yes hun, I'm right here." He whispered, intertwining their fingers.

Karl felt his heart flutter and sweet at the new nickname. Maybe he did feel the same. That would be the light in the dark for Karl.

"Baby, why did you do this?" Sapnap asked softly, his voice cracking.

The ravenette gently ran his fingers over the bandages wrapped around Karl's wrists.

Karl didn't answer, simply sat up the best he could.

"Come here." Karl croaked.

Sapnap scooted closer, moving a hand to rub his thumb over the blonde's cheek.

"I did it because of him. And because of you." Sapnap was taken aback.

"Because I was scared you would think less of me, and you would hate me if I told you how I really felt about you." Karl whimpered, tears beginning to spill once again.

"Oh baby no, I'd never hate you or think less of you! Hunny I love you. I thought it was obvious." Sapnap softly chuckled, leaning up to kiss Karl's forehead.

Karl smiled softly and chuckled.

"Well now I feel a little better." He said sarcastically.

"You better."

Sapnap softly pressed their lips together. It was shirt and sweet, a loving kiss.

"Please hunny, don't, please don't do this again." Sapnap muttered, rubbing his thumb over Karl's knuckles.


"I love you Karl."

"I love you too Sap."

Ok, cut me slack, ik this is probably the worst one, but it's literally 3:40am rn and I'm exhausted. But y'all- I really like this- should I turn this into a whole story?

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