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Ok, so this is based on a song. Called Private Fears in Public Places by Front Porch Step. Some of the lyrics are really good for Sapnap to just like, pour his heart out to Karl, so that's what we're doing. Little sad mostly cute

TW: none(?)
CW: mentions of sexual acts, crying(?), love confession

Nick sighed as he watched Karl approach him. They had decided to meet up for the day, and then sleep over at Karl's house. Don't get him wrong, he was absolutely ecstatic. But he had been holding back these feelings for so damn long. He wasn't sure if he could keep them in any longer.

The original plan for the day was to go out for lunch, go to a bookstore. Then end the day with dinner at Karl's house.

And Nick wanted to make sure it was an amazing day for the brunette. So he said he'd pay for everything. Karl of course refused at first, but Nick wasn't taking no for an answer. He went as far as to take Karl's card away from him so he wouldn't have anything to pay with.


Lunch was nice. Just a simple little shop near the bookstore Karl wanted to go to. Perfect walking distance.

Karl giggled happily as he grabbed Nick's hand, pulling him around the small store. Karl explained all the books he was looking for and what they were about, and Nick couldn't help but smile the whole time.

He loved how excited Karl got when he talked about things he liked. He was just so smiley, and giggly. It made Nick's heart bleed with love for the brunette.

Love that would likely never be reciprocated.


They sat on the couch, both boys on their own end. Karl was humming happily as he ate the food Nick had so graciously made. Nick chuckled as he watched the smaller male.

Everything the brunette did set a flame to Nick's heart. And he knew - or at least he thought he knew - Karl would never feel the same.

Nick sighed and looked down, placing his bowl on the floor as disappointment and courage filled within him. But he didn't know which to fall into.

"I'm so tirrrrrrrrrred." Karl groaned, placing his now empty bowl on the floor.

"I wish I could tell you how I tired I am..." Nick trailed off, hoping he wouldn't have to elaborate.

"How tired of what Sap?" Karl asked softly, holding onto Nick's hand.

"How tired am I of being scared to tell you how you make me feel." He mumbled, holding Karl's hand a bit tighter.

Karl looked at him confused.

"What do you mean how I make you feel?" He asked softly.

"I'd rather fight with you than laugh with another. I'd rather freeze in your arms than be warm under covers. And I'd let you hit me before I ever let you hit the floor. And I'd rather choke than to breathe in your absence. I'd rather feel your wrath than feel another's passion. And I'd rather die on the day that I give you a kiss, than spend the rest of my life knowing I never did." He rambled, feeling his face flush.

Karl felt tears prick his eyes as he listened to the ravenette. His voice so full of pleading and love, and oh so sincere.

"So tell me that that lonely little heart of yours, that I've been dying for ain't out of reach." Nick said, voice cracking slightly.

"Nick I-" He was cut off.

"If you're looking for some proof that there's a heart inside of me, then lace your fingers between mine, and you would see it start to leak." Nick intertwined there fingers, rubbing his thumb over Karl's knuckles.

" 'Cause I am living for your touch, but I would die to be your man." He whispered, looking into Karl's eyes.

"Let me look into your eyes like I am searching for your soul, wrap my arms around your waist like it is dying from the cold. Run my fingers through your hair like they are water from the drain. Press my lips against your back like they could take away it's pain. And to give you everything, there is nothing I won't do. Dump my heart into a blender just to pour it out to you." He continued on, his hands becoming shakey and tears beginning to overflow.

He was udderly terrified he was making a fool of himself. Sitting here spilling his guts out to someone who might not even feel at all the same. And ruining the best friendship he's ever had.

"And if you'd let me, I'd dive my face between your thighs until I cannot feel my lips." He chuckled softly, making Karl flush red.

"Well, I know that you think I'm kind of odd, but if your love was a mountain I swear that I'd climb to the top. I would tell you you're lovely and everything I'll ever need, and I would give you my all if you'd like to be mine." He finished, tears streaming down his face.

Karl stayed silent, tears of his own leaving trails in his face. Nick held his breath and waited for a response, a movement. Anything.

"Nick I..." Karl stopped and sighed.

He didn't say anything else, instead closing the gap between them. They both melted into the kiss, Nick's hands on Karl's waist, and Karl's arms around Nick's neck.

The kiss was something neither of them ever could've imagined. It was full of love, passion, and tenderness. Unfortunately due to needing air, they had to separate.

"I love you Karl. More than I think you'll ever understand." Nick said softly, looking into Karl's eyes.

Karl smiled and blushed softly.

"I love you too Nick." He whispered before connecting their lips again.

Holy fuck y'all it's the last draft! That means it's gonna start to be dreamnap time! And I'm gonna have slow updates there too bc I need to get this full story out asap

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