-Starting the Fun Without Us?-

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Guys- the Karlnap+dnf is back- or should I say the Karlwasnapfound is back! It's smut- I'm sorry, but it's fun to write like this. Also- here is how this is gonna go

Dream: Top
Sapnap: Switch - mostly tops
George: Switch - mostly bottoms
Karl: Bottom

Deal with it.

Also, this one is probably gonna be the longest one if I'm honest, so, ig enjoy? We all know I suck at writing smut so- yea

TW: none
CW: soft sex, riding, praise, degrading, hair pulling, spanking, daddy kink, sir kink

Sapnap unlocked the door, giggling at what Dream had said. They had finally returned home after being out most of the day running errands and getting dinner for the two submissives.

"Dove, baby, we're home!" Sapnap called happily.

Both dominants expecting both brunettes to run in happily, we're met with no response. Dream furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and Sapnap huffed slightly disappointed.

"Let's go find them." Dream sighed, putting the few bags he was carrying down on the counter.

Sapnap nodded, doing the same action and following the blonde upstairs. Sapnap checked the bathroom. Nothing. Dream checked the recording office. Also nothing. Sapnap ran back downstairs to check the basement. Empty. He came back up to see Dream checking the guest room. Empty. They stood in the hall thinking where they could be. Then they heard it.

"Mm~ Ah! Hah~ G-George be gentle~"

"Sorry love. Here, how's this? This ok pup?"

"P-Perfect bubbas~"

Dream chuckled darkly, and Sapnap bit his lip. Dream opened the door and was met with quite the sight. Sapnap peeked in and felt lust begin to haze his mind.

George was sitting criss cross against the headboard of the bed, gently attacking Karl's neck. While Karl sat in the Brits lap, slowly grinding his hips forward letting out soft, pleasured mewls.

"Well look at this." Dream tutted.

"Staring the fun without us?" Sapnap teased.

Both brunettes jumped and looked back. Karl's face flushed a bright strawberry red and he covered it with his hands. George's face was a soft shade of pink as he avoided eye contact with either of the dominants.

"Oh no, don't let us stop you. Keep going, we were enjoying the show." Dream smiled.

Sapnap bit his lip harshly and nodded in agreement. If they wanted to put on a show, the two dominants would happily watch it.

"B-But-" Karl was cut of by a slap on the ass.


George smirked and pulled the youngers hips forward again. If their doms wanted a show, a show they would get. Karl let out soft mewls and gripped the Brits shoulders.

"There you go pup, just like that." George praised, peppering kisses all over Karl's neck.

"O-Off." Karl mumbled, tugging at George's shirt.

George complied and pulled off his blue shirt, then pulling off Karl's purple sweater, all while making eye contact with the blonde and the ravenette.

"Here baby, lay back." George said softly, pushing Karl onto his back.

Karl did as told, laying there contently, letting George take control. George smiled lovingly at the American, catching his lips in a sweet love filled kiss. He knew Karl preferred it gentle and soft, so it was more intimate and meaningful. George, Sapnap, and Dream preferred rough, but for the smaller they'd happily do as he requested.

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