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Ok hi hello, so, this one is like, uh, this one is kinda Karlnap and dnf. Pretty much they're in highschool, they go to a party, they all drink, some things get said, starts rumors between George and Karl. You'll see.

TW: slut shaming, fighting

George giggled with Karl in the back seat while Sapnap and Dream sat in the front seat.

"So, like, I told her she looked like shit. And she turned to me and went 'at least I have an ass' and I was like hunny, have you even looked at my ass? I've got cake." Karl giggled as he retold the events from lunch.

"Right? Oh! This one guys kept hitting on me in gym today. Like giving me compliments, he like was putting his arm around my shoulders, and even if there was a bunch of space between me and like the wall, he like kept coming up behind me and touching my waist. So I tell Clay right? I see the guy after lunch in my math class and he won't even look at me." George snickered, Karl was full on cackling.

"Ok cuties, we're here, so get your fine asses out of this car." Clay chuckled as he parked and turned the car off.

While Sapnap was with Karl, and Dream was with George, they often complimented each other's subs. Only because they're so close as friends.

"Sir yes sir." George purred, opening the door.

Karl giggled and winked, getting out as well. Sapnap rolled his eyes with a smile as he walked up behind Karl, gripping his waist.

"Hey! Hands to your self mister." Karl snickered, Sapnap rolled his eyes and kept them walking.

Once inside, Karl's senses were flooded with smell of alcohol, the blaring of music, the bright lights, and he could already taste the tequila in the air.

George smiled and walked in, swaying his hips slightly more than he needed to catch his boyfriend's attention. Dream huffed and followed the brunette.

"What to go get something to eat sweetheart?" Sapnap asked softly, knowing at first Karl was very timid.

"Yes please." He whispered, holding Sapnap's hand.


It had been about two hours and everyone was either high, or buzzed. Karl, George, Dream, and Sapnap were no exception.

"Ok ok ok, Karl, truth or dare." George giggled.

Karl though about it and sighed.


"Is it true you're not a virgin?" Karl's eyes shot open as he looked to the person what was supposed to be him "best friend".

"Hey, George, what the hell." Sapnap said sternly. Dream also shot him a look.

"Well? He picked truth. It's not like he should be ashamed of it. We all remember what happened last year anyway." George scoffed.

Karl's face flushed red and his eyes began to water. He wasn't proud of what he did in his freshman year. And he was hoping it could be forgotten.

"George! What the fuck?" Dream scolded.

Karl quickly stood and rushed out of the room, down the stairs, and out into the street. He began walking home. Sapnap quickly followed, running to catch up with his lover.

"Karl! Babe wait!" He called out, running up to Karl's side, pulling into a hug.

"I can't believe that fucking bitch!" Karl sobbed.

"I know baby, I know. Let it all out."


It had been a few weeks since the party, and since then, the former friends have spread rumor, after rumor about each other.

But today Karl had enough.

He overheard George snickering with some of the other more popular teens about how Karl apparently 'slept his way through freshman year'.

Sapnap sighed and shook his head.

"Babe ignore him, Dream is handling it." Karl ignored him and threw his books down.

Karl shoved past two football players and as he approached George, he swung. His connected with the brunette's jaw, making him crumple to the floor.

Karl didn't stop there.

He straddled the brunette and landed blow after blow, til eventually Dream pulled him off.

"Karl! Hey! Calm the fuck down." Dream huffed, holding the blonde back.

Karl was breathing heavily and rage filled his senses as Dream pulled him outside.

"Hey, I understand you're pissed. But you got him ok? Do you feel better? You need to calm down." Dream mumbled, holding Karl in a hug.

Karl started sobbing, clinging onto the taller. He felt terrible, but he was just so blinded by rage he didn't even realize what was happening.

Sapnap pulled George outside, holding ice and Kleenex to his nose.

"Alright, let's fucking go." He snapped.

Karl flinched and started towards the car with Dream walking behind him.


Once they got back to Dream's house, George stomped upstairs, slamming a door. Karl began to break down again.

Sapnap and Dream looked to each other, both finding the best option to comfort Karl at the moment. Sapnap pulled Karl into his lap, peppering kisses all over his face, while Dream held his hand.

"Hey, what happened in there sweetheart?" Sapnap asked softly.

"I-I don't know...I w-was just so mad I w-wasn't th-thinking straight..." Karl sobbed.

Dream sighed and rested his head on Karl's.

"How about in a couple minutes you go talk to George ok?" Dream said softly. Karl nodded.


It had been about an hour, and Karl was finally calm enough to speak clearly. George had enough time to let out his own anger.

Karl quietly walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, opening it.

"Georgie..?" Karl called softly, walking in and shutting the door.


"I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking right. I'm so sorry for hitting you, and for all the rumors. It's just, that was really hurtful at the party and-" Karl was cut off by a hug.

"It's ok, I'm sorry too Karl. It wasn't cool of me, drunk or not that wasn't ok." He mumbled, embracing the blonde.

"It's ok." Karl sighed.

"See, was that so hard?" Sapnap snickered as Dream opened the door, taking a picture of the two boys hugging.

"Oh shut it!"

Yay, garbage. This one I don't really like, but I wasn't as into it. I just liked the plot ig. Anyway, gonna go write some stuff now lol.

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