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Author: Welcome to the beginning of the story, I hope y'all enjoyed the prologue?
And I hope y'all will enjoy the story.
This is the first part starting with Alex's POV.
Drop yah thoughts in the comment section.
Thanks again ©️


I put on the disk player cleaning the house with all interest.
I didn't have to go to work today or go for my training. So I chose to do some adjustments to my little home.
My gaze fell on the picture placed right beside my bed.
It had my dad and my mum and my sisters and I in it.

I didn't want to cry. I couldn't cry.
It won't help me, I'm a strong woman and crying only makes me weak.
Ever since my parents died, life has been the worse. Life was no more easy, fun, or fair like it used to.

I was forced to grow up and survive on my own with no one. Absolutely no one to run to.
Everyone now sees me as a regular teenage girl who hustles to survive.
No one knows I was once swimming in luxury and wealth.

When my parents died, I couldn't imagine my life anymore. I knew that I was doomed.
I remember how my dad cried everyday because he wasn't able to raise the money so the kidnappers would let my mother go.
It was badly affecting his health.
He would drink and smoke more than often at the risk of his own health.
The family business was crushing and everything was crumbling and I just stood there not being able to do anything.
I couldn't do anything.

My uncle had lost his mind. He was always angry and I grew scared if him. I remember how he drove himself to his own death.
The memories were just like yesterday.

We received a package from an anonymous person.
Unwrapping the package, revealed a disk. I played it and the video was the most horrible thing I had ever watched in my life.
There was my mum tied on a chair. A man my father called Blake whose son was the country's president stood with a knife.

He was laughing like a maniac as he stabbed my mother's stomach  and cut her like she was some meat.
My mother was begging and screaming and shouting but we couldn't do anything.

The man Blake stuck the knife in my mother's throat and she died.
I didn't realize the tears that filled my ears that day when I turned to my father, he was crying and cursing himself for being a failure.
"I failed. I failed!" Those were his exact words that day. I watch my father turn from a caring man to a monster.
"See that man Alex, he caused all if this. He caused it. I gave him a chance and he used it against me. Bruno was right I destroyed this mafia. I'm a failure Alex"
I cried so bad and there was no one to console me.

Everyone I taught I had  was no more and soon my dad joined the list when he was shot dead by someone I do not know.

Now, I live on my own. Yes, I experienced alot but now I'm quite determined to get revenge. Even if it's the last thing I do on earth.
When I die, at least I will be pleased.

In a couple days I would return to the city I was born.
The government has changed over the years but the mafia still ruled unknown to the citizens.

It would be hard to settle down there but I think I am ready for that. I can bare whatever comes my way. I've trained my self for 8 years.

I've built myself both physically and mentally. As for emotions, I do have them but I choose not to dwell in them. I didn't want to make the same mistake my dad made but I knew falling in love with my mum was not a bad decision because due to that reason, I was born.

Here at pittsburgh, it's warm. A bit harsh due to the increase in robbery these days but I have copped and I'll still cope.

My cell phone rang and I picked it up.
It was Ciara my closest friend who's father was the leader of the street thugs here in this city. The very group which robbed the city everyday without getting caught.
"Alex!!! I've got my father to support you. He's gonna talk to some other people he knows and he's gonna help you."
Joy raced in my heart. This was the best news I've heard today.
"Thanks Ciara! Honestly. You've helped me so much!"
"Don't mention Alex. Anytime! And besides it was such a coincidence that my father happens to know yours and he says your father did help him alot in the past and he wants to repay the favour."

Tears fell down my ears as I glanced at  the picture again.
"I don't know what to say Ciara. In a few days, I'll be going back. Back to the place that gave me nightmares. The town my parents died. The very place everyone abandoned me. "
"Sweetie, it's alright. Don't sulk now. You're a strong girl. So cheer up my dear. You know what, we should hang out today. Let's meet at Tasty Tom Chicken"
"Sure. I'll be there!" I hung up.

Having the support of ciara's dad and others would help me alot.
I know, there would be a lot of killings and I need people to fall back on. People to fight with me.
Getting my revenge won't be easy since Blake still has strong connections with the government but I'm not giving up.

My existence would be meaningless if I don't get back at those morons and give them every single harsh treatment they showed to my father and his mafia.
I even have plans of starting and running my own mafia. Continuing from where my father had stopped.
Continuing the family's legacy. Rising to the top and crushing all my enemies. That's what I will do.

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