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"Ciara!" I ran swiftly to hug my best friend. It been quite a number of days since I had seen her and now here she was, in Washington with the gang.
I couldn't be more happy.
"Alex!" She hugged me back excitedly.

"Good day sir!" I said to her dad.
They arrived in a van. There were quite a number of men that hopped out of the van.
Scary looking men.
"Alex! How are you?" He seemed delighted and I felt happy about it.
"I'm fine sir."

I led them further into the hood and took them to the big apartment where everyone from Dax's gang stayed.

Vick, Ciara's dad helped himself to a seat while we waited for Dax and Nathan to arrive.

Dax stepped in to the room alongside Nathan who was busy smoking cigar.
I watched Vick stand up in shock. His gaze fixed at Dax.

A smile formed on Dax's lips.
"Dax!" Vick called out.
The two men hugged like long lost friends who had just reconciled.

"Is he the one?" Dax asked me referring to Vick and I nodded.
"He leads their gang" I responded.

I, just like Ciara and everyone else were stunned by the two men approach to each other.
They were acting like they had known themselves and it made me quite curious.

"It's been long mehn. You growing white already" Dax spoke in such an elated tone. He did barely smile , now that he did, he looked handsome.
"I know right. I'm a father of two young adults. I'm not getting any younger"

The two men walked into another room, laughing and acting all excited about meeting themselves.
"What just happened?" Ciara looked as confused as I was.
I shook my head not knowing what had happened.

I felt a soft pat on my left shoulder and I turned to meet my gaze with his.
"Cole!'' I wasn't quite surprised to see him but I was happy. We have had a bad history in the past but that is long forgotten.
"Alex!" He hugged me and I did notice the difference. I felt nothing by the hug. It didn't feel as soothing as Noah's. Not one bit.

I tried to hide the fact, that I felt nothing.
"Looks like washington is working good on you girl. Look at you. So sexy!" His remark was flattering but the word sexy, I hated to be described by that.

It did make me feel like I was some slut. I faked a smile and turned to Ciara.
"Ciara, would you move in with me or stay here. The whole gang lives here excluding me."
"Girl, I'm gon stay with you. " Ciara cheered happily.
"Let's go. We'll come back soon"

I and Ciara went to my apartment which was not so far from he big one.
She was quite shocked by how nice I had furnished the little home of mine.

"Girl, your house rocks. It might be little, but trust me, it's so nice."
"Thank you."
I sat beside her on my couch.
"So girl, tell me what you've been up to since you got here. Asides your sole reason for being here, tell me about the club. You're working in a club Alex. That sounds so not like you."

I did tell her everything that had happened. She was so excited especially when I talked about Noah and the fact I was beginning to like him.
"Finally, Alex is letting her heart open!" Her remark made me grin.
" O please. It's not like I'm his girlfriend already."
" Not now but soon. Soon Alex. I can see it."

My cellphone rang. Nathan was calling so I picked it.
"Yes, Nathan!"
"Come to our base now. It's quite urgent"

He hung up and I stared at Ciara who had questioning eyes.
"Let's go back. I'm needed there."


I walked into the sitting room to see my father, grand father and uncle drink happily.
They were conversing about something really good. Something that seem to brighten up my father's sulking mood.
"Noah! Welcome, welcome. Come sit"
My grandfather cheered as he pat an empty spot on the couch beside him.

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