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I and Ciara went to the gang house.
It was quite busy. I walked to Dax's office or should I call it his private room like the one my dad had.

Nathan was there too and I could feel Ciara grew tensed. In my head, it was cute. Very cute.
"Hey Dax! Hey Nathan, Hey Vick " Vick was there too and Ciara went over to hug him.

"How are you feeling now?" Dax asked with concern.
"Much better!"
"Do you want us to get the people who did this for you?" Nathan asked and I shook my head.
"I did rather handle it myself. I'll go to the club tonight and I'll handle it there. Don't worry"

I did see the worry on their faces fade off possibly because I had reassured them.
"So tell me. What happened at the party. Tell me all the details" I helped myself to a seat and stared at them curiously.

"Well, the main purpose of the party was to get Carlo's son engaged. Soon they'll be married. Then he Introduced his girlfriend..." Nathan paused and stared at me with concern.
"Alex!" He called.
"Do you know anyone called Frances Rogers. She bares your family name and I'm wondering if you might know her". Dax, Nathan, Vick and Ciara all had their gaze on me

I knew that name. She was family. Very close family until she left with Tricia and I never heard anything about them again.
"That's my sister. The first child my parents had together."
"What happened to her?" I did almost panic. "Did they get her. Did they kill her?".

The expressions on their faces made me worry even more. Even Ciara was looking quite sad.
"Will you guys talk to me already!" I yelled as I grew impatient.

"She's Carlo's girlfriend. And according to him, she helped him out alot in getting where he was. There's a possibility she helped Carlo destroy your family." Dax looked at me closely.

What he said did sink into my head but in the wrong way.
"Girlfriend? Frances? Francesca Zenah Rogers" I could still remember her full name. How could I forget her.
Even if it's been long I saw her, i still knew her. She was my sister after all.

"Yes! She's with Carlo! " Vick answered this time.
I could only stare. Someone destroying her own family, it's unheard of.

"Just get over it Alex. It's been done already. What we have to do right now is strike. With Tony In the house, we should be hitting something large soon." Nathan explained.

He was right. I should get over it. It's been years already. I shouldn't be shocked anymore. If she worked for them, no problem, I'll add her in my black list too but I must first get her to tell me why she did such.

I remember her leaving saying she hates the mafia. She went with Tricia and our aunt. She complained about killings and blood shed and drugs. She said she hated it all but now, she helped an enemy shed her family's blood.

"You're right! Let's not talk about it but with due time, I'll find out the truth and why she did what she did.
Right now, let's talk on our next step"

" Tony is gon get information about their warehouses. When he informs us, we'll strike." Nathan grinned.

"Strike! What you guys gon do?" I asked.
"No need to worry. We got this. " He assured me and I let the issue die.


I stood outside a massive hotel waiting for Noah. He did say he didn't want me to go to the club tonight.
He told me to meet him at this very luxurious hotel.

I stood outside feeling a little embarrassed. I didn't look as classy as the people who trooped in and out.
I covered my head with the hood on my jacket, hoping Noah would arrive soon.

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