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The party ended sooner than I expected and I was happy about that.

I did plan on relaxing and thinking of what to do to get out of this shit I was in when Uncle Malcolm broke a very shocking news to me.

Lisa would be living with us. He says it's best so we could get to know ourselves well and that's not just the drill, the b**ch is moving into my room.

I felt so paranoid I could burst.
I sat on my bed watching the servants bring her things in.

I did try to challenge my family's decision about us sharing the room trust me but as usual my dad doesn't ever listen.
He never gives me a chance. He always forces his decisions and his wishes on me.

The servants were done moving in Lisa's stuff and she walked in.
She headed straight for the closet and opened it.

I didn't utter a word. I just watched. That was all I could do for now.
"I should rearrange this. So we could have enough space for both our clothes. What do you think?" She looked at me with this smile. I couldn't explain it.

It was like behind that smile was deceit and pretence and everything wicked you could think off.

I ignored her and looked away.
I didn't need anyone to tell me she did grow sad.

I felt so uncomfortable in the room and picked up my jacket and left before she could even ask me any questions.

I went to where I parked my bike, hopped on it and drove off.
I did want to go to the club but it was quite unfortunate Alex won't be there.

It made me wonder how I could handle the situation. I didn't know what to do.
Running away was the only option I had. That was all I had.

I couldn't leave Alex. It's barely a month since we started dating.

I couldn't break her heart by getting married to that desperate b**ch.
"No,!" My grip to the bike tightened in rage.

My speed was quite intense, I did almost kill myself.
But of what use is death. It's better to fix it all when ya alive than die and leave it all in wreck.


My eyes were so heavy I struggled to open them.
It was late already. I did wonder how long I had slept off.
I was feeling much better though still weak but much better.

"Ciara!" I mumbled. She came rushing in with a concern look.
"You're awake. How do you feel?"
"Better!" She helped me sit erect in the bed and offered me some pills to take for my health.

"Is the gang back yet,?"
"Yes. Nathan is back. That's all I'm aware of"
A smile crept on my face. "Good! Did they say how it went?"
"It went well. They managed to get Tony in. So we are gonna move from there"
I felt joy cycle in my stomach. At least a good news. I did wish I had attended his party.

"That reminds me, Noah called!" She handed me the phone. "Buh, I did tell him you were fast asleep. You should call him"

I took the phone from her and dialled his number.
"Hello,Alex!" His voice sounded so sore. Filled with sadness and pain. I did wonder if it was because of me but I doubt.
He wasn't sounding like his usual bright self. He didn't even sound as bright as he did earlier today.

"Noah! Are you alright?" I could hear loud music from the other side of the phone."where are you?" I added.
"I don't know if I'm fine Alex but I'm at the club. I need some air!" I could have sworn my heart skipped hearing him talk in such manner.
"Should I come over?" I asked.
"No. You ain't so well. You should take care of yourself. By the way, how are you!"

"I'm fine but now I'm not. I'm worried Noah. I'm worried about you. What's wrong. You don't sound alright. Speak to me babe please.!" That was the first time I did call him that and it sounded quite off in my head. I heard him chuckle faintly.

"Don't stress Alex, just rest. We could see tomorrow!"
"Okay!" I mumbled. "Do take care " I hung up staring at Ciara who had a curious expression on her face.
"Is he alright?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I don't think so." I felt so worried and scared too.

I was wondering how drunk he would be. He had to be drinking. He sounded so down and lonely and sad.
I really wanted to get to him but I'm not so strong myself.


I got back home drunk as hell. I stunk of alcohol. I couldn't even walk right.

I had almost killed myself riding my bike. Thank goodness I got home safe but my mind was in chaos.

I couldn't control my body. I was loosing balance. The servants helped me to my room. I was quite lucky no one saw me.

They should be at the base planning and strategizing.

I slumped on the bed. I felt someone wake up in shock.
It must be Lisa. She was literally sleeping on my bed.
The room was dark but soon light illuminated the room.
"Noah!" She yelled.
"What have you done!" She added.

I was too weak to even speak. I did ignore her and try to fall asleep.
I felt her take my shoes off and pull off my jacket. I wanted to struggle but I was to weak to.

She got me on the bed properly and covered me with a duvet.
"Did you drink because you're unhappy?" I knew she didn't expect me to answer that but she kept talking anyways.
"Noah, most things don't happen the way we want them and we can't kill ourselves over it. All we have to do as humans Is embrace it and make the best out of it " I heard her clearly at the same time I could hear incoherent words.

"Please don't do this again. I hope you can hear me!"

I didn't hear her speak again the lights went off and I couldn't control the deep slumber that was calling on to me.

The rays of the sun hit my face causing me to wake up with quite a serious hangover.

"Hey! I got you hangover soup. To help you out" it was Lisa talking. I looked at her holding a tray with a plate on it.

Lisa was on her pyjamas, looking quite comfortable.
She looked really radiant when the rays of the sun hit her but my heart was in pain. Serious pain.
"Take it away. I don't want it!" I couldn't remember anything from last night and I did hope I didn't do anything stupid.

I felt so ashamed to even ask. I was still on my clothes but my jacket and shoe were off.
"Do you think you can bare it? Stop being stubborn and drink this. It's gon help you alot". I watched her place the tray on a table and move to me.

"Don't kill yourself Noah. Just try and live with this. I'll be honest Noah, I like you. I really do and when I found out I was gonna marry you I was elated. I couldn't wait to fly to the United States. You might not like me back or even love me but you've to bare it. At least if you don't feel love, think of the business"

I scorned, rolling my eyes at her." Pass me the soup. And keep your lectures and feelings to yourself".

I watched her smile when she gave me the soup which was extremely hot. I could see the large steam evaporating.

"Eat it slowly and try not to burn your tongue" she left me and walked into the bathroom.

She was quite caring though and nicer than I thought she would be. You know, first impression really matters.

I just couldn't do this. Marry her when I'm in love with another?

I love Alex and if it's not Alex, it's no one and that's it.

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